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You have been murdered, and your killer got away with it. However, you come back as a ghost. What do you do to torment your killer?

  1. Things to make them think they are losing it. Sure you put all the groceries away last night? Oops. That bag of meat is still sitting on the floor. You put your car keys where you always do? Then why are they laying on your front porch? Why is the cable box always on lifetime when you turn it on? Why did you leave your sunroof open during a blizzard? You get the idea. Edit: don't forget the texts and Facebook messages to your ex while you just KNOW you were asleep.
    — Defrostmode

  2. If I was stabbed, keep materialising needles and pins in their bed, their car seat, their sofa. If I was drowned, cause them to 'accidentally' slip under the water every time they take a bath, trip and fall into ponds, bang their head in a pool. Make water drip from the ceiling when they're in bed every night. If I was burned, make their bacon spit at them, make the ignition on their gas oven faulty so they have to light it with a match and burn themselves, cause the handles to break on their coffee mugs, jam the car heater up to max. If I was poisoned, cause them to keep finding bugs and other unwanted stuff in their food, have their fridge freezer constantly running too warm so they keep getting food poisoning. Basically, whatever method they used to murder me, just repeating it in minor but constant ways until they lose the plot. If I'm particularly salty, maybe all of the above. I dunno, depends how interesting the afterlife is.
    — blinky84

  3. Materialize in his toilet while he's taking a shit and shoving the shit back in Edit: Thanks for the gold! This brings honor to my famiry.
    — that_swiss_man

  4. Full on, no holds barred horror movie stuff. Catch glimpses of a man running silently through his house, catch me staring at him through a mirror but when he turns around I'm gone. If he manages to fall asleep he'll wake up soon after with his hair standing on edge and see me crawling on the ceiling above him. When he's in a room the lights won't work and the doors won't open and he'll know I'm there in the room with him. I just finished watching the Insidious movies last weekend
    — ThisFinnishguy

  5. I’m not even going to see that douche until we’re in a court room. I’m tracking the detective that’s working on my case and dropping that guy clues non-stop. Opening tabs on his computer showing a white page lookup of that motherfucker, Amazon lookups of the weapon used, Google Maps of the location of the crime to the killers house.... When they’re finally in jail, pushing the soap out of his hands while he’s in a busy shower, shoving lunch trays out of the hands of the prisoner sitting next to him, etc. He’ll eventually recognize he picked the wrong person to kill.
    — downwardtrajectory

  6. Slowly move everything in their home an inch to the left every day. They'll eventually come home feeling like something is off, and over time everything will be rotated and slowly drive them to the brink of insanity.
    — Fauxtrok

  7. I show up during some of the happiest moments of their lives. Date with the love of their life, I'm there. Wedding, I'm there. Long-awaited work promotion, I'm there. Birth of their child, I'm there. Quality time that will become a fond memory, I'm there. Any milestone moment, I'm always there. I just stand and simply stare with an expression that will send chills down their spine and haunt their dreams. They took away my chance to experience a long and happy life. I would want nothing more than to taint every great life moment of theirs with the knowledge of what they did to me and hope it either destroys them or makes them beg for forgiveness.
    — TheRedditGirl15

  8. Fill them with paranoia, mess with their head to the point they start harming themselves and their love ones, slowly making their life a living hell until they cant take it anymore and take their own life. Then Ill go haunt a restaurant but be a kind ghost to the costumers (dont know why, I always wanted to be that kind of ghost).
    — GladiusNocturno

  9. I'm not a very ambitious ghost. They will come home to the TV being on, so they turn it off, and the moment they turn around, the TV will turn on again. Then they will unplug it, but the TV won't turn off. Suddenly they will be suspended 3 feet in the air...then they will move 3 feet to the right, then back down so I can see the TV again. I get it, they're a murderer. But turning off the TV while someone is watching it is a dick move.
    — TiniroX

  10. every time they have sex and about to BUST I break a window
    — VLRlaughs

  11. Put the toilet seat up at least 3 times a day(if it's a she).
    — RepresentativeBag6

  12. I would follow him around forever generating a highly putrid odor; like highly nauseating.
    — El_Cartografo

  13. Hourly ectoplasmic wet willies.
    — JedLeland

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