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People responsible for those holes we had in our desks when we were kids, what technique did you use to create them?

  1. I would tap my pen/pencil in the same spot the entire year.
    — huruga

  2. hammer and sickle
    — TheGhostOfKarlMarx

  3. Compass needle stab it in the desk...wiggle it round til the hole gets bigger...
    — jawa-80

  4. Geometry Compass, easy
    — killingspeerx

  5. I used scissors then shoved my pen into the hole. Slowly it gets bigger because other people don it as well.
    — kawaiiyummycum

  6. What i'm also curious about is how people got the foil gum wrappers to stick to the table
    — oodsigma8

  7. I spent a school term creating a hole into the side of my desk, the thing must of been pushing 3.5" deep. It started with a compass, then some small scissors. The excavation got serious when I brought a corkscrew to school and eventually finished it off with a large set of kitchen scissors. To go deeper I would of had to make the hole wider and the table wasn't that thick.
    — One_Percent_Magic

  8. Use a compass, make the hole bigger every day

  9. I sat in the same desk in chem 20 and 30. Just kept dropping some super low concentration sulfuric acid in the same spot for a really long time.
    — DoctaDunc

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