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In what way(s) did you WIN the genetic lottery?
- I’m immune to mosquito bites
— lieutenantdam
- Nothing awful runs in my family. No cancers, diabetes, heart disease, etc. My dad's parents lived until their 90s... my mom's mom is currently 86. I've only attended a handful of funerals in my life and most of those were for my great-grandparents, who didn't die until I was in high school.
That said, we do have annoyances, like bad gall bladders and wonky foot bone structure. Just nothing that will kill us outright. So... yay?
— amiker7709
- I don’t know if there’s a relationship between sleeping patterns between parent and offspring but I’m able to go to sleep within three minutes of closing my eyes 95% of nights.
— Swade-Wilson
- When I was younger, everyone always thought I was older than I was. Then, that kind of stopped at 24 where everyone thought I was properly aged. Now everyone thinks I'm mid twenties when I'm actually thirty.
So, I guess I've always looked 24 and will forever.
— Prettyundead
- Although my dad is a Cystic Fibrosis carrier, I am not.
— KrisDickless
- My mother never really bothered to enforce it so from the time my teeth came in until age like 12 I brushed my teeth very very rarely but still managed to maintain decently healthy teeth and never had a cavity. Not very big but I consider it a W
— gnottyhed
- This thread is like tinder, but for blind dates.
— bunchoflasagna
- I have 3 younger brothers. All balding. Dad, and both grandpas, bald. I'm 45 and have thick blond hair. Thanks Grandma B.
— CatchingRays
- The women in my family age slowly. We look a lot younger than we are.
— Froggylegs1
- Smart as a horse and hung like Einstein
— LaLongueCarabine
- My folks are borderline blind, but I ended up with perfect vision. I have no idea how this happened.
— InRustWeTrust