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You wake up in the Middle Ages tomorrow. You speak the local language fluently. How do you survive and prosper?

  1. First things first: find a scary bird mask and a pointy stick. Don the mask, and practice my booming plague doctor voice. The serfs have never heard of antibiotics or real physicians, so they're perfectly content with leeches and bloodletting. Jab them with my pointy stick just to be sure they're cured. I saved the village. The serfs are so happy that they give me all the silver in their coffers. Use the bag of silver they gave me to buy a scarier bird mask and a pointier stick.
    — crossfyre

  2. Make money teaching math Anyone who graduated high school probably knows enough math to be a tutor to the aristocracy or merchant class during the middle ages
    — aRabidGerbil

  3. I am killed by diseases that my body has no defenses against.
    — Texual_Deviant

  4. ask for shelter in a church? I'm not sure what age girls get married there
    — Logicpolice9

  5. Spend years trying to show them the wonders of our civilisation before realising you don’t know how to make even a ball point pen. Get depressed. In your utter worthlessness make a sandwich. Blow their minds. Become the sandwhich maker. Spend hundreds of hours with Strinder, the tool maker, perfecting the balance of your knives, take an apprentice, teach him the arts of the sandwhich. Be happy and content on your life. Pray no random spaceship shows up to ruin it all.
    — cat_vs_laptop

  6. Depending on the time I will be the first to invent a machine to transport this 90kg rock from here to way over there. Every lord could always use a siege engineer.
    — Hachenburger

  7. If i am in Europe, i introduce kites. Edit: Kites are awesome, and were invented in Asia. Stories about kites preceded actual kites to Europe for a few centuries. I'd gather a bunch of straight sticks, some thread and some cloth, then I'd open a kite rental place outside somewhere with a strong breeze, like near the shore, and I would even have kite fighting, like fucking 12th century laser tag. Suck it, Serfs. Edit 2: wait, no, I invent moveable type 400 years early. /thread
    — benzant

  8. Find the nearest kitchen and offer my cooking services. Good workers are hard to find at any time in history. With luck I can work for a respectful noble or merchant. If noodles have not been seen in my area yet I will bring a new food creation to the people and be lauded for it.
    — Murrello

  9. Here's your [cheat sheet.](
    — metalunamutant

  10. Do nothing that could be described as sorcery so as not to annoy the church: predict the future, miracle cures, the earth goes round the sun etc.
    — Firstpoet

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