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What is something you learned in school that you will never forget?

  1. Don't threaten to kill someone unless you're going to do it - Teacher
    — pistolpete666

  2. In Elementary School, we learned some songs in different languages to learn about cultures. To this day I know every word of a Hanukah song in full Hebrew. I don't know Hebrew. I am a 28 year old black male.
    — 13justiny

  3. Soh-Cah-Toa Was drilled into my head over and over again.
    — SuperCooper8415

  4. A lesson I learned in band that really applies to any skill you may be trying to learn - "Don't practice until you can get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong"
    — She_Likes_Cloth

  5. In 7th grade P.E. I learned to time my breathing with my steps to keep it steady. I went from cramping up after running for 15 seconds to running an 8 minute mile in a couple months with that advice and I still use it to this day.
    — CaptainReginald

  6. "Low dee high minus high Dee low, over the square of what's below" If you have a calculus problem x/y, the derivative of the equation is: [(Ydx)-(xDy)]/(y)^2 I haven't used it since early college, but I remember it ten years after I initially learned it because of the way my teacher would sing it.
    — walkingcarpet23

  7. 3.14159 I think pi is mighty fine!
    — dj4wvu

  8. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin
    — thehonestyfish

  9. Teachers are not always right, or even intelligent. My seventh grade English teacher once berated me in front of the whole class because I was talking with a friend about a video game while still getting our worksheets done. I remember her saying, "You will *never* learn anything from television and video games!" Every time I learn something new from a video game I think of her. I know so much more about Eurasian geography and ethnic groups from playing EUIV alone.
    — glory_of_dawn

  10. That when it comes to groupwork, if you want it done you need to pick the group yourself or be prepared to do the work alone. This is something that carried from elementary to middle to high school, into college, and now in the workforce as well.
    — beepborpimajorp

  11. [removed]
    — [deleted]

  12. Cheating on homework and tests are perfectly acceptable as long as you don't get caught.
    — Caucasian_Fury

  13. contrary to popular belief peepee is not stored in the balls
    — Goonzoo

  14. BEDMAS I also find it hilarious how many people on those facebook question things will comment quoting it, and not actually use it properly
    — GFY_EH

  15. How to read and write.
    — alexaturnonthelights

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