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Gamers of reddit, what was the most shocking moment for you in your gaming history?

  1. Playing Bioshock and getting to the Would You Kindly twist. I already thought it was a great game up until then. After that, it was a masterpiece. I love games with a good story and the amount of detail put into the Bioshock world was amazing
    — TerryLegend

  2. When johnn marston was shot by all those men
    — Djdanny90999

  3. Exiting Vault 101 in Fallout 3 for the first time. I had no idea where the game was set or any background with the series. When the loading screen ends and the light fades and you just see the burned landscape and crumbling Washington Monument and Capitol in the distance was just mind blowing.
    — ReverandT

  4. Knights of the Old Republic. I won't say what happens since the game still holds up to this day imo so I still suggest people play it. The gameplay was exactly different enough that it was what I was looking for and didn't know it and the story behind it was just great.
    — Psuedonymphreddit

  5. Halo 3, when Sgt. Johnson dies :( Also, not shocking itself but rather terrifying and game changing : Halo CE, when you first encounter the Floods on 343 Guilty Spark, the game turns into a survival horror.
    — TireurEfficient

  6. Without spoiling, the end to The Last of Us.
    — SoMuchEdgeImOnACliff

  7. Current objective: Survive.
    — OptimusAndrew

  8. That scene in Spec Ops: The Line. The one where you use the mortar.
    — CommissaireMaigret

  9. Spoilers: MW3 when Soap dies on the table as Price is trying to revive him, then finding out Yuri knew Makarov. I was shocked and heartbroken.
    — yousifw2014

  10. MW2 "No Russian" Level. I know this is hardly an original opinion but 13 year old thought it was wild.
    — Xerxesthemerciful

  11. The moment when Arkham Asylum appears to be broken and resets to the opening cinematic....until you realize what’s going on and notice the subtle differences.
    — darthgallen

  12. What exactly happened to my son in Fallout 4. I decided to try actually role playing the game for once instead of just minmaxing the whole way through. Deciding what *I* would do in each situation instead of just choosing whatever I thought would progress the game how I wanted or would piss off some random person for kicks and giggles. Given that I recently had my first son it really kicked me in the emotions harder than I thought. I legit had a few drinks that night thinking things through.
    — ThisMuhShitpostAcct

  13. This is taking it back but completing Super Mario Bros on NES, I didn't expect to ever finish the game as a kid. The next shock came when the game started again with goombas replaced with buzzy bettles.
    — Digital_Dropkick

  14. In Tales of Symphonia when you get to the Tower of Salvation and you're getting ready for the end of the game and suddenly you're only like a third of the way through. Similar feeling when I beat the elite four in Pokemon gold.
    — Solstyx

  15. Arkham Knight Spoilers... When Batman starts the cool "pulling myself up onto the building ledge" animation in Arkham Knight that I've seen a thousand times up until that point, and all of a sudden Man-Bat pops up and shrieks in my face before taking off. I legitimately threw my controller when that happened. I'm pretty sure they use the same jump scare again later in the game, except with Joker? Either way, it really is a masterfully-done scare. The fact that they lay the ground work by having it not happen 99% of the time made me a little anxious whenver I climbed a building from then on.
    — Dyko

  16. First of all, better tag this post as "Spoiler". **[Spoiler]** Second of all, when Roth died is Tomb Raider 2013
    — PowerMan2206

  17. I had spent so much time grinding and leveling up Aerith...
    — fruitjerky

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