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What’s quickly becoming obsolete?

  1. The name "Alexa"
    — PantherFin

  2. Handwritten letters
    — BestReflection

  3. Cable TV
    — Tinderella69

  4. Digital cameras. There was a time when everyone had a tiny digital camera. Now it seems that people either just use their phones or they have really nice Canon and Nikon SLRs.
    — stylophonics

  5. Cashiers at Walmart and Kroger. They add more and more so it yourself scanners every week
    — mania-of-mcgee

  6. Privacy
    — commonvanilla

  7. Proper grammar. Social media has skull-fucked grammar.
    — madism

  8. A sense of direction. I was born in 1985, and I'm glad that I learned to drive before everyone had a GPS unit in their pockets. I live in a big city and know it like the back of my hand. I have several friends who rely on google maps to go just about anywhere, and while I use it a lot also, it's a good feeling to know that I can find my way around without it.
    — Stickybubs

  9. Original Content.
    — -SandorClegane-

  10. Shopping malls
    — cocovanilla93

  11. Adverts on the inside of DVD covers showing what other DVDs are available form that Producer or Manufacturer.
    — timethrow95

  12. The latest iPhone
    — rodan44

  13. Cards without chip readers
    — Plebsy_Mcplebster

  14. JC Penny and Sears
    — Tree343

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