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What's your 'act like you belong' story?

  1. I went to [this]( festival in Korea which includes a massive parade down the main street of the city. The best spot I could get where I could actually see was right at the end of the parade behind a fence. There was a grandstand there that was filled with VIPs (families of the mayors and officials of the sister cities). One of the guards came up to me and ushered me past the gate and brought me up into the grandstand and say me right behind the mayor of Cheonan. Then they started passing around free samples of products made in or near Cheonan. Afterwards they made everyone applaud the visitors and took pictures of each of us shaking hands with the mayor. I was so lost but just went with it because it was such a great time.
    — Matt872000

  2. When I got my first construction job, I had to go buy a bunch of gear. Carhardts (heavy work pants), Steel Toe boots, and a bunch of hand tools. The first thing I did when I got them home was take the pants out to the garage and drag them through the dirt on the floor, stomp on them, rub some oil on them and pull out a few threads. The steel toes got hit with a shovel and dirtied up and the tools got their handles scraped and dirtied. I showed up on site with 2 other new guys who looked like they were mannequins from the store. They got razzed for their shiny new gear and they thought I knew what I was doing.
    — Theonlykd

  3. My kids and I were in a touristy area of Mexico and there was this fancy resort that had access to the beach. We weren't part of the resort but they had really nice pools. We realized that the only things designating resort patrons were that they were all American and they had specific towels. Well, we were already American, and then we got some discarded towels. We spent two full days hanging out at the resort. At one point my daughter made friends with someone with a gold towel so she got to use that. The gold towel got her all the free soda she could drink.
    — estrogyn

  4. Way back when I was 17, I was working a conference at MIT and came across a packed lecture hall. They were showing the World Cup, and the hall was full of people rooting for Brazil. So I sat down and started chanting for Brazil- instant acceptance. They started giving me beers and I skipped work and got blasted cheering for a team I had no connection to in a sport I didn’t care about all day. It was so much fun.
    — Barkingpanther

  5. While in high school, I went to Columbia University for some seminar on publishing. (I was working on my school's art/literary magazine, and our supervisor thought it would be a help for us) After the seminar, I was wandering around taking in the sights of this big, prestigious institution, when I came across a different seminar, this one for Columbia law students. I would have kept walking, except this seminar included a free lunch. Pizza. And I was hungry. So I walked into the seminar, took a seat, and pretended to be a law student at Columbia University. I listened to the speakers for a bit, chatted VERY briefly with some of the other attendees, got my pizza, and got the hell out of there.
    — Ozzdo

  6. I manage to get some required immunizations after the health center closed on accident. I did the checkup thing, doc told me I'd 'need to go downstairs and ask for \<vaccine 1\> and \<vaccine 2\> then I'd be good to travel'. I didn't know better so I just did exactly that. I walked down to the lobby, saw the sign for the lab I was directed to, and walked straight in to tell the tech back there exactly what I needed. Tech gave me the vaccines and it wasn't until afterwards that I found out A\) They were closed, and B\) you're supposed to make a separate appointment for that. The tech just assumed I was someone important because I didn't hesitate.
    — pepsispokesperson

  7. This is not my story, but I will never pass up an opportunity to post this video. [\_wvc]( A guy goes into the BBC TV studios for a regular job interview. Unfortunately he has the same first name as the guy being interviewed *on* the BBC news that day. Shenangians ensue.
    — Whapwhaaap

  8. I went to a Flatbush Zombies concert and we got VIP passes which effectively meant nothing. There was a 2nd floor where the bands were hanging out, and one lone security guard at the bottom of the stairs. We just briskly walked past him and held up our wristbands and he didn't say anything. We used the same method to get ONSTAGE with all the bands, and to sneak out the back door and smoke with Meech. Edit for requested Pics Edit 2- Meech, not Juice
    — RogueLeader89

  9. Being an artist manager it felt like I had to 'act like I belonged' every single day when I was just starting out. Meetings, phone calls, emails, everything.. it felt like I needed some sort of confidence and 'doucheyness' I didn't think I had. Felt weird trying to be someone else at work everyday..
    — NoCaesar

  10. Years ago I took a dslr camera to a concert. When they told me I couldn't bring it in. I lied and said I was with the college newspaper and we were running a front page story on the venue and I needed pictures. I talked to the event coordinator and she asked the band and the next thing I new. I had a press pass. That lie got me in the gap between the stage and security. I had no idea how to use that camera but I faked it. Then I handed off the badge and the camera to my friends and one by one they faked it. That was a great time
    — Grammargambler

  11. **My job**. On a rational level, I know that I’m good at it. I am successful, popular with coworkers and superiors, and people tell me they love my work on a regular basis. But still I have a serious case of impostor syndrome every other day. What am I doing here? I shouldn’t be allowed to work here. I have no idea what I’m doing. Stop paying me for this and hire actual professionals!
    — Pjoernrachzarck

  12. Walking to my bus on my way home from winter break i realized i had bought tickets for the wrong day (don't ask how). After a brief call the company told me i couldnt do anything about it, and it was the last day i was allowed to be on campus. Realizing i was stuck i decided to just get on the bus anyway. The driver barley looked at my ticket before nodding me on i immediately got on sat next to a friend and went to sleep to avoid suspicion. When i woke up my friend told me theyd overbooked and some people had to wait on a second bus. After i got home i found out theyd left mine and a few others bags behind so i had to call up again and negotiate having my bags sent for me and a few students who weren't fluent enough in English to negotiate for themselves. Luckily after multiple speech checks and no one asking for my info i made it home with all my stuff. And thats the story of how i stowed away on a bus. Tdlr: no one ever questions a sleeping person on a bus.
    — opertive1

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