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What sounds great in theory but not in practice?

  1. Sex in the shower
    — Mbohnet87

  2. The use of eye witnesses to both solve crimes and secure convictions. Many defendants have been put away who were wrongly identified. It's the easiest way for an innocent person
    — micste89

  3. Any group project or activity that requires all people to contribute and cooperate.
    — llcucf80

  4. Taking Bikini Bottom and pushing it somewhere else.
    — thehonestyfish

  5. Sex with two women. It is fun from time to time... but seriously - it is a lot of work to try and (1) last long enough to please two women and (2) show equal attention so the other doesn't feel left out.
    — dust_wind

  6. drinking dish soap so you can fart bubbles
    — BuffaloVampireSlayer

  7. Unlimited Buffet
    — scrubby600

  8. Going to the aquarium on magic mushrooms
    — sergeant_of_smock

  9. Communism: * Theory: Everyone is equal! * Practice: Famine, Genocide, Gulag
    — AlphaTangoFoxtrt

  10. Acquiring sheep for your property so that you no longer need to mow the lawn.
    — Back2Bach

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