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What’s the sluttiest thing you’ve ever done?

  1. Met a girl on Tinder, we went to the mall together. Within a few minutes, we were in her car next to a rather busy car dealership fucking eachothers brains out. Dealership workers definitely saw. Nearly every other time we had sex, we were in her car on public property.
    — thedoormanmusic32

  2. Does reluctant sex work count? Used to clean houses naked for money. I'm poor, and I'm trying to apply to med school.
    — premedpanicked

  3. swiped right on 200 girls and only matched with a bot
    — sirtophat

  4. banged a dude in the parking lot of the school. Arrived to chemistry class with jizz in my eyebrow
    — mehtotheworld

  5. Fucked a coworker while we were both on the same conference call that I took from my bedroom. At once point I had to speak and had to try really hard to sound professional while he was inside me.
    — tiny_earthling

  6. Was at a bar when a girl sat next to me and asked if I wanted to make out. I said yes, partly helped by all the shots downed earlier. Ended up having a threesome with her and her ex in a bedroom upstairs. Only learned their names the day after. The guy ended up becoming my boss a few weeks later.
    — TalesToBeThrown

  7. I missed my stop reading these
    — HRRyan

  8. Was the boy toy for two Balinese women. They met me at the bar, brought me around the island with their driver, stayed at hotels. They just said I had to fuck them when they said so. This went on for 4 days.
    — pm_me__your__pain

  9. One time a girl drove 2 hours to have sex with me. We had sex pretty much all day but my dad was about to be some so I was trying to get her to leave. Well my dad arrives so I force her to go out the back. When she’s walking to her car in front of my house my dad goes “ look, cute girl go get her number” little did he know.
    — wtjordan1s

  10. Guyslut moment: got blown by two goth chicks in a graveyard.
    — Mycobacterium

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