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Why have you never had a boyfriend or girlfriend?

  1. I don't know, mom
    — AGMarasco

  2. I don't know if a girl likes me or is just being nice. I also don't know when to make a move on her.
    — Tree343

  3. I guess. It is because I have never been super interested in dating when I was younger. And now I'm so used to being alone that sometimes I actually forget that dating and finding girlfriend is a thing.
    — yhuh

  4. I don’t always fall for a girl but when I do, I fall hard (usually for a friend) into unrequited love.
    — itsMe_v2

  5. Social awkwardness. Self esteem issues. Anxiety. Abandonment issues. And stuggles with my own sexual orentation.
    — deadbythepool

  6. because God decided to slap me with the fucking ugly stick
    — wh0lock

  7. There are several reasons: - Because nobody has ever found me attractive. - Because my social skills are so bad I can't create personal relationships that would end in being in a romantic one. - Because my social skills are so bad I can't really tell what a person thinks about me or if she's having a good time with me etc. (being maybe borderline autistic or asperger) - Because after many tries and rejects I gave up trying. - Because the last time I tried I was fairly convinced she feelt pretty much the same and it turned out that she didn't. And it was so shocking I almost destroyed my life, gave up almost everything. - Because I still love her. I can't move on. I wish I could. We're still friends after more than a decade, I like her SO as well, wish them happy and all, but I still love her secretly.
    — StrongmanSamson

  8. Because I don't have anything. No money, look, achievements, nothing. I'm a failed human being.
    — rainxc

  9. Maybe beacuse i`m ugly, fat and poor? :D Eeasy answer...
    — chadasar

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