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What is something that is culturally unique to your region that others not from the area might find interesting?

  1. The [pepperoni roll]( is a delicacy in West Virginia. I assumed they were common until I moved away from the region and had to explain the concept to many people. Edit: Yes, I know what a stromboli/calzone/etc is. We have those too. Pepperoni rolls are a different thing.
    — OMothmanWhereArtThou

  2. I guess its not region specific and its probably more just a rural thing, but I have no qualms with peeing outside if a restroom isn't readily available. Growing up, when he were at a place where we couldn't find a bathroom, it was perfectly acceptable to pee on the side of a road on behind a tree. One time, I was on a long drive with my boyfriend and had to pee very badly, so I just pulled over, used the car door as a shield, and went right there. My boyfriend immediately starting freaking out and said it was one of the most disgusting and embarrassing things he's ever seen.
    — badashley

  3. The Balkans, but especially Bulgaria have Kukeri, which are basically people dressed up like Chewbacca on meth, with bells tied all over them. They jump around, dance, and act out plays to scare aware evil spirits and to welcome in the spring.
    — tomdwilliams

  4. Horse racing is huge here. The Kentucky Derby is as big as the Super Bowl and lots of streets are named after horses and race tracks.
    — RekNepZ

  5. Apparently putting salt life stickers on your vehicles despite being far closer to North Americas point of inaccessibility than any ocean. Every other SUV I see has them. There isn't anywhere to surf inside of a 2 day road trip
    — Cpu46

  6. meat raffles. You go to a bar, you pay a dollar or so, and you got a chance to win some pretty sweet meats. Also, everyone up here seems to have a cabin in their family. Semi decent weather: "Whatcha doin this weekend, marty?" "Ohhh you know, we're gettin up to the cabin, and out on the lake" "sweet" I myself didn't grow up here, so I've been trying to infiltrate the cabin system for a few years now. I can't afford one, so I'm trying to latch on to some family who already has one.
    — Outrageous_Claims

  7. New Jersey has approximately 525 diners, more than the rest of the US and the world. We're also the most densely populated state...not fun.
    — symbiosa

  8. In 49 states you can get a hot dog and milkshake. In Rhode Island you get a wiener and a cabinet.
    — Schmabadoop

  9. Y'all wanna get high and eat some faces?
    — LawnShipper

  10. If you ever go to Buffalo, do not: 1) call them buffalo wings, they are chicken wings (or just wings) 2) order ranch with your wings (you order blue cheese) I'll admit it's kinda weird an entire city has its identity wrapped around a bar food, but hey, that's my hometown.
    — BronusSwagner

  11. [Bar dice]( It's a bar game that I haven't ever seen outside of the Midwest, specifically Milwaukee, WI. It's somewhat prevalent in Chicago and parts of Minnesota, but you'll be hard pressed to find a bar in Milwaukee that doesn't have a leather cup and 6 dice.
    — WakaFlakkaSeagulls

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