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If you were allowed to go back and restart your life from any one "checkpoint", when would you go and why?

  1. The day my father died and ask him to please stay home that day.

  2. I would restart to when i first started school.. that way, i can fix back the broken social life that i myself had caused
    — Luq_Kun

  3. Roughly a month ago because I don't know what the fuck is going on or why.
    — frezhberry

  4. Birth, just to see if doing things differently actually made a difference to where I’d end up.
    — PGMG17

  5. Probably 7th grade. That was around the time I should've tried out for sports and music classes so that way I would be more involved and social in high school.
    — tangledlettuce

  6. Assuming I keep my memory, about 15 years or so. Start placing me some bets. If I don't keep my memory... Well, it'd be pointless really, cos everything would happen in the same way again. *But* if there was some randomness involved I'd say when I left high school. Just for shits and giggles.
    — Oi-FatBeard

  7. The point in high school where a girl asked me to prom and I fucked it up.
    — Tree343

  8. The night I got drunk and invited That Guy over for sex, and ended up in a two-year abusive relationship with him, paying for his rent, food and weed, cutting off contact with 99% of my friends, and quitting the best job I'd had up until that point. Not just because it was a horrible waste of two years, but because it would be interesting to find out it he was the key factor in my downward spiral of mental health issues, or whether it was inevitable.
    — tynsax

  9. Before I left Texas, because now I'm trying to find a way back as soon as I can
    — dramaticmushroom234

  10. The day my daughter was born. I would buy so much bitcoin...
    — Dinco_laVache

  11. To the time I had my first child. I wouldn’t not have her, but I would have waited. I honestly think that was a turning point in my life.
    — Blaque11

  12. The day my father died in a car accident, To ask him to take the day off or go with him. I usually loved to go with him to work or any of my brothers but that day none of us did.
    — theoutsider95

  13. 2013 Before what I considered my last proper girlfriend. I have really struggled to find same intimacy/chemistry with another woman since we broke up. There are plenty more fish in the sea but only few of them are the ones you're compatible with.
    — Rebuilding4better

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