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What not to do at a stoplight?

  1. Continue driving
    — sstevsstevebdsstevs

  2. Wait for the green light to turn red.

  3. "Feeding your snail is something not to do at a stoplight."
    — Spongebob-Quotes

  4. Reverse
    — nachtstiel

  5. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
    — wakaranaiever12

  6. I had a group of friends who used to like to do "Chinese fire drills", I don't have a license so that was always a fun time when I somehow ended up in the drivers seat.
    — MrWhaleFood

  7. Masturbate furiously
    — GarbageNameHere

  8. The
    — Slymate

  9. Karate chop the TV
    — pyoro64

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