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(Serious) What is something that you have found out about someone that you will never tell them you know?

  1. I found out that my grandpa was paying the mortgage on my aunt's house for about 4 years, up until she passed away. My cousins don't know that he was paying for them to live there rent free, and they didn't treat him very well. It's not really something worth telling them about, but they're incredibly entitled and rotten people.
    — ThirdAmbiguousColor

  2. I know several of my friends are the results of affairs. Growing up as an only child. Often playing alone whilst adults talk. They forget you are there. Seriously, I know more than I should about even my own parents.
    — The_CoolerKing

  3. I once dated a girl who had recently split with her boyfriend, although they had a good amount of history together. I fell pretty hard for her. One day she was in a chat room that she regularly frequented and got to talking to an old lady who saw her give a paper at a college recently (she was a historian). They struck up a fast friendship. My girl ended up confiding in her that she was with this great guy but missed her ex and she thought he needed her more than I did, etc. The chat room lady counseled her to return to her ex. After some weeks the girl did just that. Life goes on. Years later, through a mutual friend, I learned that the girl later discovered the old lady in the chat room was actually her ex, pretending to be a new confidant in her life. She was predictably floored but they worked through it and now have kids together. I only have limited contact with her now (i’m also married with kids) but she has no idea I know that she was hoodwinked like this. Ah, well.
    — SnoutInTheDark

  4. The two years a college friend spent "in Texas" were actually in prison for possession of child pornography. And that is the reason his invitation to our major's honor society was revoked and why I was given the award for graduating with the highest GPA even though his was actually slightly higher and why his grad school funding was pulled.
    — MiasHoney

  5. I once borrowed my older cousin’s laptop, when I was maybe 13 or so. Opened it up and BAM Pokemon porn. Pokemon porn everywhere... and lots and lots of hentai. I never told him I saw it. However, he’s always dated somewhat bigger girls and everytime I see him with his gf I can’t help thinking he’s dating her partially because she’s got hentai boobs.
    — JuPasta

  6. I know of a close friends Reddit account and I stalk it and upvotes his posts without him knowing. He doesn't have an alt and I found out some pretty dark molestation stuff about him. Never brought it up.
    — NickOneTen

  7. I lived across the street from a friend of mine for a year when I was nine. For reference, I’m white and she’s black. She gave me one of her ‘Chicken Soup For The Soul’ books because I loved them when I was younger. Years later, I lived in a different neighborhood but we were still friends. I started reading the book again and found a piece of paper that had clearly been forgotten about tucked in one of the pages, describing how much she hated being black and how she wished she was white. It broke my heart, and I never mentioned to her that I’d found it. Edit: As a happy edit, she’s done very well for herself. She’s in her dream job as an elementary school teacher. :)
    — Grindelwalds_Bitch

  8. When my mom was a teenager, my grandma slapped her over something stupid. My mom then slammed my grandmas head into a mirror, and they basically got into a fistfight. They both look at themselves (and eachother) as very "proper" ladies, and would be horrified if they found out I knew
    — Rabidwalnut

  9. Backstory: My parents are very young. I was born the day before my moms 21st birthday and my Dad was 19. My mom was normal but dad was involved with a gang, in the process of trying to get out according to him. When I was 4 my dad went “on vacation” for three months. I was too young for it to really have any impact on me. When I was around 12 I figured it out and realized he was in jail during that time. I asked him for what, and he said “don’t worry about it.” And that’s all I heard about it for years until one day when he was talking to his friend outside and didn’t know my Window was open. They were talking about what he did to go to jail. My dad robbed an elderly woman at gunpoint. It was his neighbor from down the street. She had watched him grow up and even babysat him occasionally until he moved into his grandmas house. He told his friend he did it because he thought she wouldn’t rat him out. He was right, but after he left her Son came home and he called the police after she told him what happened. After I overheard that conversation, I became frightened of my dad for a long time and never told him why. Eventually, I decided to move past it for two reasons: 1. He served his time. He got a plea deal to go to a military-style boot camp for three months instead of 2 years in prison. And 2. When I overheard that conversation, it had been almost 15 years after it happened, and it still haunted him. He wasn’t bragging to his friend when he told him that. He was sharing his guilt. 15 years later and he’s still ashamed of it, and is still terrified of what I and my siblings would think of him if we knew. He was a bad person, who did a bad thing, for a bad reason. But he took responsibility for it, and turned his life around to be a good father to me and my siblings. I want my dad to feel like he’s a good dad, because he doubts himself all the time. For that reason, I will never let him know that I know why he went to jail.
    — Yung_Turbo

  10. I found my 'hyper masculine' coworker on grindr. Its weird, because his facebook is crammed with pictures of half naked women.
    — squeeeeenis

  11. When my mother passed away (I was 15) I was given a book of her poetry she had written for my father when they were married. All of the poems had little extra notes at the front of them explaining what the poem was about. One poem was about my dad, my mom, and his first wife all having sexy times in a tent while camping. There were a few more poems about their times together. My dad left his first wife at some point after these encounters and married my mom shortly after. I never told my dad, and he passed away long ago now. His first wife I see regularly at family holidays since her son's are my half brothers. I've never told her either.
    — coveredinstars

  12. My mom was raped in college, my oldest sister who was put up for adoption before I was born was the product of that.
    — tatsuedoa

  13. My dad is the result of rape. The story we were always told was that my grandfather's buddy knocked up his teenage sweetheart when they were stationed in Germany when he had a wife back home, so my grandparents decided to adopt him. When I moved to Europe I decided to go looking for my dad's family. I found them pretty easily, but my bio grandmother didn't want anything to do with me. My two uncles wanted to meet me though, and were very pleased to do so. While talking to my uncle when we were out drinking I mentioned understanding why his mother might not want to meet the child of her teenage mistake but still being bummed out about it. He demanded I explain the what I had been told about his mother. He was completely floored that it had been framed as her mistake at sixteen, and that's when he told me the truth: My grandfather had raped her when she was twelve and she had given birth to my father at thirteen. He was drunk and an Army MP when it happened, and then coerced her into giving up the baby to him and his wife. Nothing was ever done about the rape. I was completely horrified, especially as someone who had been sexually assaulted as a child. He wasn't a warm and cuddly granddad type, but I would've never suspected he could've done that to a child. My father wasn't father of the year by any means, but I don't know how he would deal with it, so I don't intend to ever tell him.
    — 2354PK

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