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What common sob stories do you have no sympathy for?

  1. Any sort of vague-booking. I hate so much when people make Facebook posts like "well, I guess you can't trust your friends like you thought you could" or similar, with no explanation whatsoever about whatever the problem is. It doesn't make me want to ask what's wrong and give you attention, but it DOES make me want to block you.
    — rachelgraychel

  2. At the bus terminal: "I am in desperate need of money for a bus ticket." Me: "here's an actual bus ticket" Them: "What am I supposed to do with this...?"
    — TheLostSkellyton

  3. "This horrible thing happened to me. This person/pet died, and it would help so much if I could get a drawing/painting of my character from you" (for free) Happens way more than it should and I don't believe any of it. Even if, it's not really my responsibility nor obligation to a person I've never talked to in my life.
    — Sythgara

  4. "I'm in tremendous debt!" (that I could've easily avoided) Looking at you, 6-figure income brother in law.
    — hosstradamus

  5. Some guy tried scamming me twice with the same sob story about how his car broke down and he needs to get to his finals. I fell for it the first time until he asked for more money than he initially stated so I walked off. He tried using the same scenario on me again nearly a year later so I was hoping he recognized me and was embarrassed. EDIT: spelling.
    — tangledlettuce

  6. The ones that ask for advice from everyone - everyone tells them the same general thing, they do the complete opposite (or completely skew off into left field), and then come back sobbing about it not having gone the way they thought it would. Fuck you Carol.... Edit: Yes, they are called AskHoles. Thanks to everyone for reminding me there is a word for it! :)
    — rushaz

  7. I'm broke and can't pay for the things I need because I've spent all my money on things I didn't need.
    — IndyScent

  8. People that post on Facebook about how broke they are and then create a GoFundMe campaign because they want something they can't afford: a laptop, concert tickets, a whimsical trip of some kind. I've never seen one hit their goal, however low it may be.
    — hippiekayay

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