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What are some of the perks of being in a same-sex relationship that a heterosexual person wouldn’t think of?

  1. My brother and his husband are currently moving things to their new cottage in the country. Furniture, appliances and a granite counter top, all they need is a truck and the two of them. I usually have to encourage one of my friends over and buy pizza and beer to get them here when I need to move anything heavy. I've always found it very convenient.
    — UdotJdot

  2. If you and your SO have similar builds, you just doubled your wardrobe.
    — KatyLiedTheBitch

  3. Secretly bi in high school .. "best friend" over anytime I want .. staying over? No questions asked! Same bed? Sure where else would she sleep! Best friends share beds all the time! God I loved high school
    — CaramelComplexion

  4. Boob waterfalls are my favourite secret perk of being a lesbian in a relationship. My girlfriend and I are very close to the same height and shape, so we fit together like a puzzle. When we're taking showers together, we can store a reasonable amount of water in between us by pressing our chests and arms together - then we count down and pull apart so the water drops all at once and makes a terrific sound. Great fun! (And before anyone asks, a description is all you'll get on that one.) We also just fit perfectly together in general, and we're pretty good at communicating and dividing household tasks between us. We're comfortable in our own skin. There are no illusions about how our bodies work, so no explanations are really needed- we just get each other.
    — bluefactories

  5. Oh when I was in high school my parents didn’t know I’m bi. The main reason I kept it that way was Bc I got to literally have sleepovers and go with my girlfriend anytime no questions asked. Hands down was infinitely better than any relationship I had with boys in hs. That was a lot of climbing out my window at night.
    — rrnnbb

  6. We went to a sauna (not the gay type, the spa type) and we could hang out in the men’s baths together, whereas the straight couples have to go the shared clothed area or hang out alone in the naked sex specific area. Similarly, when we go swimming, we can get changed together, so there’s never a need to fix a meeting point, wonder where the hell they are, etc etc.
    — sfmclaughlin

  7. No one batted an eye when me and my gf went into the same dressing room at a department store, I guess they assumed we were just good friends. But we just went in there to make out, I don't think a guy/girl couple would get away with the same thing.
    — gvf77

  8. I'm bisexual and during a long-term relationship with a woman I stopped taking my birth control. A few months later I was having terrible back pain from stupidly falling off my bike and my doctor asked me why I stopped taking my birth control pills. I told him I wasn't at risk of pregnancy and therefore didn't need them. He asked if I was using condoms. Nope. So he asks what I'm doing to prevent getting pregnant. I reply, Well I'm dating a woman. His face went red and he changed to topic. Best form of birth control: lesbianism.
    — unequivocallyvegan

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