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What isn’t as dangerous as our parents led us to believe?

  1. Leaving the house with wet hair. I have very, very thick hair, and when I was a kid it was super long, like down to my waist. It takes HOURS to dry, which meant that I had to time baths and showers carefully because if it was just a teeny bit wet my mom would shriek that i was 100% going to get pneumonia and die immediately if there was a drop of moisture left in it.
    — KnittinAndBitchin

  2. Talking to strangers. Once you get a job, almost every customer that you interact with a is a stranger.
    — MsVampirequeen

  3. Popping your knuckles/joints

  4. My mother went one step further than the "no swimming after eating" rule by forbidding even having a bath straight after eating. I later discovered that her belief that this was dangerous dated back to her childhood when a friend of hers died in the bath after eating a meal. He was supposed to meet up with a group of friends, including her, at a youth club but he never turned up because he was dead, which is a fair excuse really. The kid probably just had a congenital heart defect or something but in her mind it was going in the bath after eating which killed him.
    — FuckCazadors

  5. Petting zoos. Turns out goats aren't murder machines, looking to attack any child they don't know who enters their pen.
    — thehonestyfish

  6. About 98% of what my Mother told me. Being close to TVs, turning on lights inside the car, consuming gum, The Dutch.
    — Alpha_Meta_man

  7. Getting into cars with strangers, thanks uber.
    — slapplebags

  8. Eating and going swimming immediately after. You don't have to wait 30 minutes.
    — once_pragmatic

  9. those little driveway-appropriate fireworks. my mother always made me stay about 50 feet away where i couldn't see a damn thing, and holding a sparkler was absolutely forbidden.
    — kaett

  10. Playing violent video games and then meeting your internet friends IRL who you play violent video games with. I did my due diligence and asked them beforehand if they were deviant serial killers and they said no, so hey, good enough for me!
    — TheLostSkellyton

  11. Running around in wet clothes. I have yet to catch the polio.
    — redmeansdistortion

  12. Online dating. My mother *to this day* is convinced my OKCupid account is just a rape/murder waiting to happen.
    — Portarossa

  13. Strangers, you're more likely to be raped, assaulted, murdered by someone you know.
    — Epicdemic93

  14. I was always told to eat my carrots so I would have perfect vision when I grew up. Kid me consumed excessive amounts of baby carrots because I didn't want to go blind. Fast forward to my 30s and I have an astigmatism in both eyes and need to wear special thick contact lenses for it. My vision sucks. Lies. It was all lies.
    — iamthepixie

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