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what's an asshole move you pulled as a child?

  1. Used my uncle's Xbox as a piggy bank and put coins in it
    — SubtleTruth

  2. I was about 7 or 8, and whilst in the bath I thought it would be funny to hold my breath and float face down when my parents came in to check on me. Turns out it wasn’t that funny.
    — ebyr7566

  3. My brother did something at a Target and blamed it on me. Parents believed him. I got yelled at. We each got to pick one toy from the store. My brother chose a toy that were basically blow up gloves of Hulk's Hands. They make noise everything you "smash" something with it. I took the toy from the cart and tried to hide it when they weren't looking. As I was walking down the aisles, I randomly placed it somewhere and another kid picked it up. That was the only one in stock. My brother threw a tantrum. We both got yelled at, but I was glowing. I was a vindictive child...
    — DangoDieskazoku

  4. for some reason I decided to put gum in my mother's armpit when she was asleep. she had to cut it out with scissors.
    — RobotSkellington

  5. I once forgot a towel when I went to take a shower and kept calling for my mom but she wasn’t responding. So, in my evil brilliance, I stomped my foot hard on the floor of the tub and went “Ow!!” really loudly. She came running in, panicked, only to discover me standing there, perfectly fine, naked as the day I was born just wanting a towel.
    — senshimars1776

  6. Dumped a bunch of salt in my hand and threw it in my cousins eyes
    — eatnboody

  7. My brother and I had bunk beds when we were kids, I tickled the bottom of his foot while he was climbing the ladder. He fell and broke his arm, it was funny though.
    — Echo_mike

  8. When I was 8, I told my 5 yo cousin that him being born was the reason his mom couldn't afford a lot of stuff, like renting a house in the city. They had to live in a small town 20km from her work. She had had a son a year and half before him at age 18 by a unknown father. Thinking about it, two kids before 20 while being a single mother is kinda harsh. I only said that because I overheard it being said by relatives.
    — The_Ass-Crack_Bandit

  9. I deleted my uncle's level 99 sorcerer on diablo 2, to this day he is cold because of it.
    — tasco2

  10. In high school, my friend and I used to go to the payphone and call random numbers, and pretend to be a little girl sobbing down the phone. One time a woman answered and she thought it was her daughter and that the daughter had been picked up by the cops and was being kept til a parent could collect her. This poor woman kept crying and saying "But Jamie you know I don't have any money until I get paid tomorrow" - she was beside herself at the thought that her young daughter would have to stay overnight in a cell. God knows what happened when Jamie came home :/
    — WasntTalkingToYou

  11. When I was like 4-5 yo, I liked to hide in really good places but not tell anyone I was hiding. Since no one was really looking for me, sometimes I’d fall asleep in my hiding spot. My parents would eventually realize I was hiding. But I can remember two occasions I guess they really couldn’t find me and I’ve woken up to a police officer in my living room taking their missing child report.
    — ACasualRobe

  12. My brothers and I started cursing all at the same time. I was like 13, so they would've been 12 and 11. Well, my parents started a swear jar for us, where we had to put in a quarter each time we swore. Eventually, we just started saying words that *sounded* like swear words. "Mother flucker", "shizznit", etc. Well, my dad was trying to make the point that even though weren't saying the actual words, we still meant the same thing. So he upped the ante. He said if we said a word that sounded like a curse word, it would cost us 50 cents. Well, I didn't miss a beat (and I still think it's the hardest my entire family has ever laughed), cuz I went, "50 cents?! Fuck that, I'll just cuss!"
    — boyvsfood

  13. We had one of those tube TVs. As a kid, magnets were obviously magical so naturally I poked every surface with them till I found something magnetic, and eventually I found out that the screen is magnetic. So I played with it a lot, and I still don't understand how, but the TV lost the color red, and probably some others too, but the lack of red was the most obvious one. I was mindblown one day when I found out that the lightsabers in Star Wars and Emperor's Guards were red. I though they were dark brown.
    — MAronM

  14. My friends dad had every issue of Playboy....ever. Complete collection in mint condition. We took out a bunch of the centerfolds and put them on the walls of a fort we had built.
    — Contemplating_Panda

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