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What is the simplest, most profound advice you've received?

  1. *If you feel like you don't want to do something because it's hard, or annoying, or you don't know how yet, this might be exactly what you need to be doing to move forward with your life.* I used to be pretty bad about just gritting through the hard and annoying stuff in life, but then I always I felt like it was passing me by and others were getting all the good opportunities and somehow surpassing me. Once I got this advice and took it to heart, things really changed for me. I started being the one moving forward faster and getting the opportunities.
    — zazzlekdazzle

  2. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
    — kdubstep

  3. Your success rate for surviving bad days is a stellar 100%.
    — jwildeboer

  4. Don't compare yourself to others, you'll always find disappointment. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
    — breesanchez

  5. You're not in control of how you feel about something, but you are in control of how you choose to react towards it.

  6. Listen more than you speak
    — lifad77

  7. Two pieces I've kept with me as an adult. "Don't be the one" said by my DI after Basic Training graduation. Meaning: Don't be the one who is late, or disruptive or a magnet for trouble. Its helped even after retirement. And pick the right hill to die on. Stand up for what you believe, be sure its the right cause and right time to do so.
    — Mike7676

  8. holding a grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. absolutely lifechanging advice.
    — Choosecharmander

  9. “Question Authority” My favorite professor left us with that advice, and I’ve always taken it to heart. He didn’t mean to be argumentative and combative. Instead he meant to never accept what is being told to you without critical thought. Everyone from the government, your boss, news sources, anyone. Always question information that is told to you, and learn more about the subject when necessary.
    — arcant12

  10. If you’re gonna be dumb, you better be tough. I tell myself that through every hangover.
    — GrapeCakes

  11. Don’t light yourself on fire to keep somebody else warm.
    — Second_Location

  12. It costs nothing to be kind.
    — likeabirdsetfree

  13. Be kind to yourself. Most of the dialogue that goes through your mind in a day is that which you have with yourself.
    — kelephant225

  14. When I got married, my dad told me, "Son, when you sense an argument coming, you need to decide if it's more important to be right or to be happy. Sometimes it'll be one and sometimes the other. Learn to spot the difference."
    — Alrik

  15. The only person you can ever change is yourself.
    — hawkgrl

  16. “Just fucking eat it.” - my mother.
    — byjimini

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