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What movie genuinely fucked you up?

  1. Requiem for a Dream. The needle scene with the infected arm scarred me
    — Avocado_Buttplug

  2. Donnie Darko... not because it was particularly scary but fucking sad.. I was done with the world after that movie Also, Mother!... It wasn't very scary either movie but I was High as fuck when I saw it and the ending was just too much then...

  3. Nightcrawler, Jake's dead eye expression gave me the creeps.
    — Solmon19

  4. It's a little campy, but The Mist had me walking out of the theater feeling real empty.
    — s00perball

  5. Arachnophobia.... Seriously changed how I put on slippers, turn on lamps, and mostly avoid old barns....
    — Kyoutan

  6. I'll say it before anyone else because always makes this list.... Dear Zachary
    — sarcastagirly

  7. We need to talk about Kevin, my god is that kid fucked up
    — ARedChair

  8. 8mm, because there are people that fucked up out there. Nic Cages best work. I saw Jaws when I was 5, was afraid to sit on the toilet for weeks afterwards.
    — ColonelFuckface

  9. The Road was good, but damn I felt depressed
    — PepperAlmighty

  10. Alien. Watched it at 11 with my Dad in the theater.
    — beachcover

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