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What names are often tied to a specific personality?

  1. Connor is a white dude no older than 23.
    — MooseRattler

  2. All the kids that are named angel are the whole opposite.
    — cowboy-beepbeep

  3. This thread is like looking your name up on urban dictionary

  4. Linda. She works in HR and somehow seems like she was born at that age.
    — kirby1445

  5. We all know "Big Mike"
    — GeorgeLHillard

  6. Bob \- just your average dude
    — EarlyHemisphere

  7. Dylan \- if I see a Dylan on my new class list, I automatically assume he's going to be a horrific little shit
    — FloVas

  8. A-A-Ron...insubordinate and churlish, every time.
    — hashcrypt

  9. Trevor and Hunter - Rednecks but pretty friendly
    — HitlerButInSpace

  10. Shelly is the name of a middle-aged Mom trying to be cool
    — CritzD

  11. Brad - thinks he’s cooler than he is, tougher than he is, more attractive than he is, funnier than he is and more well-liked than he is.
    — Ubetrippin919

  12. Chloe is a valley girl, and a forever teenager but the bitchy kind.
    — inspiredturtle

  13. In my country, we have the name Inès. They're all INSANE, like will-cut-off-your-dick-and-feed-it-to-you insane.
    — Ioei1031

  14. Zach is a 50/50, either they can be a regular awesome dude, or A complete nut job dick
    — Publicdude1

  15. *scrolls through the entire thread to find my name* Well maybe it’s a good thing my name isn’t listed?
    — curiouscat06

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