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What’s the most relaxing video game to play after a stressful day?

  1. Mother fucking, stardew vally.
    — Cay_Rharles

  2. Journey, Flower, and Abzu are all very relaxing.
    — tokinwhiteguy

  3. Factorio. Then you wonder why the sun hasn't set yet and you are tired and hungry even though you had dinner like an hour ago. Then your alarm clock goes of.
    — tikirej

  4. Minecraft on creative.
    — Athrowawayinmay

  5. Animal Crossing was always pretty relaxing. I think there's a new one for mobile too, in case you want to relax on the go!
    — PMME_ur_lovely_boobs

  6. For me it’s Euro Truck Simulator 2. Nothing more relaxing for me than sitting in my rocking chair in comfortable clothes with my laptop and my Xbox controller, cruising down the highways of Europe with Euro Truck Radio playing in the background.
    — InvictusManeo97

  7. People ridicule me all the time but...GTA 5. After a long, stressful and horrific day there is nothing better then just senseless beatings and murders.... Driving down the sidewalk and watching pedestrians fly over the hood of my car is so satisfying.
    — eROCKtic

  8. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's just so relaxing with its ambient sounds and its attention to detail. It's the kind of game that's so easy to get lost in and forget you're even playing a game for hours at a time. The process of traversing the world from one point to the other is so satisfying and it just feels like a living, breathing world.
    — flameylamey

  9. Doom 2016
    — someone496

  10. Elite Dangerous. Put on your exploration pants and make sure to take a fuel scoop and some repair modules and head out into the black.
    — bolivar-shagnasty

  11. Ace combat for the 360 when I had one was relaxing. I would go in training mode and just fly.
    — __TIE_Guy

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