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What basic activity would be a hilarious Olympic sport?

  1. Chasing after ping pong balls.
    — Muffinosaurus

  2. Teams assembling random things—bunk beds, playground equipment, toys. Both teams have the same item which is unknown to them until firing of starting gun.
    — GreenlandSharkSkin

  3. moving around an office in a rolling/spinning chair
    — ekleeezy

  4. Standing up in a shuttle/train without holding anything
    — InherentlyStrange

  5. Changing duvet covers, pillowcases and bedsheets as fast as possible.
    — crudnugget

  6. Olympic inconspicuous underwear adjustment.
    — DentedAnvil

  7. Chasing after a plastic bag in a windy parking lot
    — Solodolo21

  8. Reaching for the remote from a seated position without touching the floor or tipping the chair over.
    — Grundlebang

  9. Inserting 20 USB sticks in the fastest time you can.
    — Awkawardsilence

  10. Lawn mowing
    — Alpha_Meta_man

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