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People with your Facebook account connected to your Pornhub account, why?

  1. Man, I accidentally did this once, it was the *worst.* I couldn't figure out how to unlink them and now everybody who follows me knows I browse Facebook, it's so embarrassing.
    — thejazziestcat

  2. I think we need /u/katie_pornhub to weigh in with the stats on just how many people share to facebook, or how many people login with FB if that's an option.
    — SG_Dave

  3. My dad was Facebook friend with a guy who would constantly share sex toys and the like. He was a normal functional guy, he just had no shame. I figure he'd be the kind of guy to have his Facebook account linked to his Pornhub account.
    — NoExitAndNausea

  4. I didn't do that, but one time I accidentally liked a video on a pornsite and it shared to my facebook. Scariest moment of my life...I struggled how to figure out how to delete it for about 30 seconds. No one ever said anything about it though, so I think I'm in the clear. Also, I was fortunate that it was only a striptease video when I was super new to porn, before I moved on to...other things. Edited to add: What kind of sick joke is it to put a facebook share button right underneath the video?!
    — LucioOHHHs

  5. why not? i’ll connect it with my linkedin, show my new boss some of my interests
    — chzpizzalunchables

  6. Grandma likes to know I'm interested in.
    — 0xD153A53

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