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What IS as bad as people say it is?

  1. Back pain. I used to think people were being drama queens about it, so the Fates of the Universe arranged for me to have an up close and personal tour. Jolts felt like lightning slamming up my spine. Fair enough, I deserved it. :/
    — IThinkThingsThrough

  2. Norovirus. I swear I lost ten pounds and expelled three demons. Everything in my body exploded out my mouth and my ass at roughly the speed of sound, what felt like continuously, for several hours. By the time it had cleared my system, I had pulled muscles in my gut, dehydration, and was just flat fucking exhausted.
    — Ferdinand_Feghoot

  3. Nerve pain. It is literal torture.
    — Five_Decades

  4. Kidney stone
    — BringBackTron

  5. An abscessed tooth.
    — Sonnysadie

  6. That one thing with the jellybeans where each color could be either a tasty jellybean or a disgustingly flavored one. You know, a pink one is either peach or vomit, a green one is either booger or pear, black is either licorice or skunk... I thought everyone was making up how *bad* the bad flavors were. I was so wrong.
    — countesscephalopod

  7. Getting injections in your eyeballs.
    — Tedsallis

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