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What is the cringiest thing you've seen someone do for social media?

  1. Made a fake Instagram account of themselves, screenshotted it warning people to be aware that this account is a fake. The punch being she screenshotted the page whilst she was logged into it, and the top of the page had a big ‘edit profile’ button.
    — North0151

  2. Guy bragged about punching his dad in the face for not letting him have a TV in his room. He was 26.
    — DoctorHandsome

  3. this guy on insta lifts "heavy weights" but has been outted as lifting fake weights.
    — effthedab

  4. Beg for money to send their family to California to see a dying relative, then post pictures of a receipt spending $100 at the weed store.
    — virgosdoitbetter

  5. FormSpring/ Spring.Me For those who haven’t heard of this, it was a website where you would create a profile and be asked questions by other people (either publicly or anonymously), and once a question was asked it couldn’t be deleted. It was basically a website to roast other people, but I digress. One girl, let’s call her Beth, sent out this anonymous question to everyone at our school: “what do you think of Beth, I heard she’s very pretty and nice?” ... Turns out she didn’t tick the anonymous button and her name was attached to the question, which was sent to the whole school. Yeah, awkward.
    — WineAndEquines

  6. Fake drunk-posting Facebook statuses and then being called out by the friends who he had tagged that, each explaining that they were all completely sober.

  7. Any kind of vaguebooking. "I'm so mad! Don't ask me why!"
    — dread_pirate_wesley

  8. Film themselves giving to homeless...
    — whynotateaspoon

  9. Take a selfie with their dead uncle.
    — satan_sends_his_love

  10. I don't know if this counts, but this girl posted a status saying "like if I'm pretty" and messaged her entire friends list (including me) asking to like her status
    — karastopqueefing

  11. took a photo of themselves crying over a sad news story that had nothing to do with them or anyone they knew
    — betacuckbitch

  12. Anyone who posts things like "Can't believe it" for people to reply "What's up?" and then they just respond with "PM'd you" Usually it's something stupid like they ran out of milk... Edit: Typo.
    — Treefold

  13. A girl in my high school and then college posted a 20 minute video (freshman year of college) saying how it is okay that she has never been kissed. Just went on and on about how it is not a big deal even though she made it up to be a big deal.
    — batmangetsblumps

  14. Posting one of those "if we get x amount of likes..." pictures, in all seriousness.

  15. Post military memes even though he was kicked out of basic traning...
    — meesersloth

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