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Who is your favorite redditor?

  1. u/waterguy12 would like this
    — Pm_me_maymes

  2. the one that usually gets me by surprise is /u/fuckswithducks
    — Pelverino

  3. u/furrypornaccount
    — KappaPL1337

  4. I'll just start right away. Mine is the jumper cable guy: [](
    — DrChre

  5. The gone wild girls are a gift.
    — Sycou

  6. u/shittymorph
    — Ask_me_4_a_story

  7. Has to be u/Shitty_Watercolour something about his art style makes me feel happy on the inside. Just love seeing the squashed faces of his characters.
    — Abdul9971

  8. I don't really have favorites anymore. You are all a mess of letters and numbers combined into an username to me.
    — roguetroll

  9. u/DrChre
    — RIPSargeras

  10. My wife.
    — intensenerd

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