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What popular life advice do you disagree with?

  1. "never give up" Sometimes giving up and moving on is the right thing to do. "losing is not an option" It absolutely is an option, and a great impetus to grow and do better.
    — birdsaresodumb

  2. “Don’t eat cheese before you go to bed, you’ll have nightmares.” Nobody can tell me when I can and can’t eat my fucking cheese. I’m an adult goddammit.
    — Category5worrycane

  3. Live each day as if it's your last
    — Commenter_5000

  4. For dating: "Just be yourself. It'll happen when you least expect it." The part that I agree with: You shouldn't try to make yourself *radically* different. You should do things that are consistent with who you are. But that can mean finding other aspects of yourself and figuring out how to display those aspects. It can mean becoming a better version of yourself. I think advice like "Be yourself" and "It'll happen" is too passive. It's true that you can't force romance to happen, and that there's a strong element of chance. But there are still steps you can take that will tend to increase the chances. Go to more parties. Go to a *variety* of parties: some that involve drinking, and some that don't. Some where you're slightly older, and some where you're slightly younger. Go out of your comfort zone a little bit more. Try a sport that you've never tried before, or go to a concert in a genre of music you don't know anything about. Strike up conversations with people, not necessarily "trying to get dates" in a really calculating way, but just try to develop the habit of having friendly amicable chats with people you don't know super well. Don't just *passively* sit around "being yourself" and waiting for things to happen. That doesn't work.
    — skullturf

  5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." "Out of sight, out of mind." One of these people is wrong. EDIT: Wow, Reddit. An off-hand cheeky comment blows up. Thank you /u/scotus_canadensis for my first gold. And thank you (you know who you are) for the tummy pic. :)

  6. "Do what you love as a job and you'll never work a day in your life". My experience has been "Do what you love as a job and it will suck all the love out of it."
    — drbhrb

  7. Cheaters never prosper. Fucking bullshit.
    — ichoseIB

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