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What are some of the most overrated movies of all time?

  1. The Hunger Games series was fucking rank, complete snoozefest.
    — NPFTW

  2. Jurassic world. I think 30 years ago the original idea was very creative but there was no reason that movie should have been at the top of all time grossing movies. It was entirely marketing and Chris Pratt that drove the numbers.
    — jizetuw

  3. Shakespeare in Love won 7 Oscars.
    — Cw2e

  4. Sort by controversial...
    — aka_jon

  5. Fast and furious franchise. First one was great, and then...
    — giantvoice

  6. Divergent ughghgh. My family loves it but, everything about it pisses me off.
    — Unitato16

  7. The English Patient [JUST DIE ALREADY!](
    — Uranus_Hz

  8. Almost sure no one overrates fast and furious, hunger games and 50 shades of grey. That or people don't know what overrated means.
    — Toolside

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