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What news story from 2017 has everyone seem to have forgotten?

  1. Equifax had a security breach that compromised the personal information of around 140,000,000 Americans. That's over 1/2 of Americans over 16 years of age. People are still getting surprises and finding out their information was leaked out and several of the company execs sold out before the news was announced. This got swept away really quickly when it should have been cause for major changes.
    — Freadan

  2. I've seen equifax data breach but what about Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the US, opening thousands of fraudulent accounts in customers names just so employees could reach sales goals. They get a little slap in the wrist and are rebranding with new commercials.
    — broomstickbomber

  3. Barbuda A small, Caribbean island with a population of a little over 1600 gets hit by Hurricane Irma. The damage prompted everyone to evacuate, leaving the entire island empty for the first time in modern history. No word on when or how long it make take to begin the repairs.
    — nt96

  4. Erdogan's goons beating up Americans on American soil with absolutely no consequences.
    — Regono

  5. Slobodon Praljak, a Croatian war criminal, poisoned himself in the middle of his sentencing on live tv. [Video](
    — zapyou42

  6. Zika virus
    — PrincessShelbyy

  7. Kim Jong Un’s brother was poisoned by two women and they both thought it was for a prank show.
    — ISaidBitchhhh

  8. 2016 but it's still happening. President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte ordered the murder of all drug users and dealers with no trial. ~20,000 people have been killed.
    — TheMediocreCock

  9. Hobby Lobby was discovered to have been buying and selling stolen ancient artifacts out of Iraq on the black market back in 2010-2011. Essentially, Hobby Lobby was directly funding extremist groups of all kinds, including factions directly related to al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and early ISIL. [source](
    — GhostoftheWolfswood

  10. Someone turned the Hollywood sign into Hollyweed. That was pretty funny
    — Original26

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