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Who was the unluckiest person in history?

  1. That guy that got hit square in the head by the massive boulder in Pompeii
    — Ovaryunderpass

  2. That guy that has been attacked by several bears and hit by lightning so many times people were scared to be around him also think he shot himself fatally in his bed. he shot himself over an unrequited love[5][1][2][6][7] lying in bed next to his wife and allegedly did not notice his death for several hours
    — Alpha_Meta_man

  3. Ann Hodges, only person in recorded history to be hit by a meteorite. Crashed through her window while she was taking a nap on November 30, 1954.
    — AGMarasco

  4. Adrian Carton de Wiart. Served in WW1 and 2 in the process of lost his eye hand and took multiple bullets through the skull, hip, legs and ear. Tore off two of his own fingers so doctors would amputate his hand after it got crushed. In his autobiography he said, "Quite frankly I enjoyed the war"
    — BecauseImBatmanFilms

  5. Tsutomu Yamaguchi got A-bombed in both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki attacks.
    — muddyGolem

  6. Picked up the book Band of Brothers the other day. In the second chapter it talks breifly about how transportation (buses, trains, etc.) during war time weren't that reliable and frequently ran behind schedule. Well, after training the regiment was given 10 days leave to go see their families and were warned not to be back late, but of course a few were late returning to base. After everyone was back, the Colonel put everyone in formation and read off the names of each man from each company who was back the latest and then proceeded to drum them out of the paratroopers in front of everyone. This was after they had already endured months of the most difficult and rigorous training the Army had to offer at the time and after they had made their 5 qualifying training jumps, thus earning their right to be paratroopers. They ripped off their jump wings, and airborne patches and they had to return their jump boots while the rest of the regiment watched. They now had to leave their friends who they have trained with for months and serve in the regular infantry. In retrospect, it could have possibly saved some of their lives, but I couldn't imagine being kicked out of one of the most elite units in U.S. Army history in front of all my friends because the train I was heading back to base on was running late.
    — Trainwhistleblues07

  7. I'm going with that king who tripped over a dwarf and fell out a window and then the dwarf fell out as well crushing the king who may have been able to survive the fall.
    — dust_wind

  8. An unnamed assassin who tried to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. On June 10, 1914, this assassin threw a bomb at the Archduke's car, only for it to bounce off and blow up a parked car nearby. Afraid of getting caught, he quickly downed a cyanide pill, only for it to be expired. The man than tried to drown himself in a nearby canal, but broke both his legs when he landed. There was a terrible drought that year, and the canal had shrunk to 13 inches tall. The man was later pulled out by police and beaten up by a crowd of angry spectators before being arrested.
    — psiddy42

  9. I'm gonna have to say the guy who tried to murder Andrew Jackson. So he ambushed Jackson at a public event, and tried to shoot him point blank with a pistol. The pistol bizarrely just didn't fire though, even though it was later inspected and found to be perfectly functional. The backup pistol didn't work so well either, even though it was also perfectly functional. Now, that would be pretty unfortunate if it just ended with the authorities arresting him, but this is Jackson we're talking about. That psychopath grabbed his cane, jumped on the guy and tried to beat the guy to death until the secret service restrained him. Yes, the secret service felt the need to restrain their president so he wouldn't kill this dude.
    — majestic_failure

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