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What is the hidden secret of reddit?

  1. Your content doesn't have to be good to get upvotes, it just needs to be at the right time.
    — MarthMain42

  2. When you delete it from your phone, you suddenly gain hours of free time you didn't realize you had
    — Downvotes_dumbasses

  3. There's only 12 people on here and they all have a million alt accounts
    — RedJellyBoy

  4. You can combine two or more subreddits by modifying the URL. my favorite will always be /r/theonion + /r/nottheonion = have fun!
    — Living_Granger

  5. That person you're talking to is younger than you think.
    — electro3

  6. It's broadly theorised that companies, people, organisations, and governments around the planet use upvote bots/paid upvotes to garner more attention to their posts, and down vote dissenters to oblivion. Take ANY post that seems favoring or disfavoring of a significant person or group with a healthy shovelful of salt.
    — NocteStridio

  7. Some of the worst people have multiple accounts. If you disagree with them about something they will use their alts to vote you down...and the worse they are, the more alts they will have.
    — TheDevilsAdvokaat

  8. Everyone on here is human except for you. It is time to solve the maze Dolores.
    — vadermustdie

  9. There is massive vote manipulation by corporations, governments, non-profit groups, etc. etc.
    — ferrariprius

  10. The little alien is called a Snoo and it’s meant to sound like “what’**s new**”
    — Tominator5150

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