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What’s the stupidest thing you’ve seen a smart person do?

  1. Worked with a surgeon who was a great guy and had most of his shit together, except he constantly fell for get rich quick schemes.
    — stupidperson810

  2. "Oh look, a bear cub. Should I go pet it?" Fuck no Aaron, you shouldn't pet that fucking bear cub, you dumbass. Let's get the fuck out of here.
    — pmme_your_ladybits

  3. Continuously dabbing during Frisbee training and somehow managed to dislocate his own shoulder.
    — IkaToh

  4. That one doctor who, upon seeing a cat scratch on my chest, asked why I was holding a cat without a shirt on. He didn't know cat's claws can scratch through clothing. He refused to believe me.
    — avacatt

  5. Could write a novel about the guy. One that stands out is drinking an entire bottle of vodka in 30 minutes, then getting pissed off that someone drank all his vodka. Dude will be a surgeon in a few years
    — goondalf_the_grey

  6. Not taking medical treatment for pancreatic cancer. Yes I'm looking at your grave, Steve Jobs.
    — MavEtJu

  7. Tell his wife about a couple one night stands, expecting her to just roll with it.
    — pdatt

  8. An otherwise bright guy was encouraged by his doctor to lose weight and get some much needed exercise. He said, "Can't do that. Exercise would ruin my physique."
    — Back2Bach

  9. When I was training to be an aircraft maintainer the girl who was top of our class was a gem for things like this. Once, someone in the class had mentioned a couple that lost their baby during pregnancy (miscarriage) and her response was "Did they ever find it?"
    — IronSturgeon

  10. Destroy every friendship he lucked into with his insane pride, ego and relentless competitive attitude. Everything. Everything was a competition, and he wouldn't quit until he won. No idea what that asshole is up to lately but I assume he's drinking heavily.
    — RadleyCunningham

  11. One of my roommates studies microbiology. He’s really knowledgable, but as a roommate... man, he’s *something.* Some of his antics include: - putting a takeout container in the oven in his first week (and nearly burning down the house) - attempting to fry cucumber - using forks in nonstick pans and then getting mad at the rest of us for them being wrecked - leaving a knife on top of the oven which resulted in the handle melting - throwing said knife straight into the bin upon discovery, ripping the bag and spilling garbage everywhere in the bin I love him like I love all of my housemates, but sometimes he’s a bit of a Kevin.
    — lacrimapapaveris

  12. I've seen someone with a PhD microwave a metal bowl.
    — phailanx

  13. My wife wanted to make sure her hands were clean before she put in a contact lens, she used hand sanitizer even though I warned her not to.
    — thatcubsguy

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