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What was your first memory of the Internet?

  1. I would go to the public library and use lycos search engine to look at pictures of WWF wrestlers. I remember the computer freezing up one time and a librarian, late 40's or early 50's comes over and puts in her password. I, being a nosey little punk, watched her type it in. It was ASS. All she typed was A-S-S-. I'll never forget it. I was amazed because I did not know adults who dressed nice and had jobs and seemed uppity could be so profane and carefree. It changed my life.
    — jackrack1721

  2. Brrrrrr......grrrrrrr........nnnnnnnnnn.....dinisiniduni.......internet connected.
    — Lokijai

  3. This is embarrassing, but not how you might think. Firstly, you should know that I'm older than the average Redditor. I went to buy a new computer and I was bargaining with the salesgirl. I told her I'd buy the more expensive computer she'd shown me if she'd throw in the internet for free
    — fupisi

  4. My friend’s Geocities Star Wars fan page. So many spinning images. The very first time I launched it, it spontaneously started playing the main Star Wars theme, the Imperial March, and the Cantina Band Song. All at once.
    — action_lawyer_comics

  5. This old game where you look through these x-ray goggles and could see women in there underwear, tits and all. Then at the very end you look at a girl with big tits but she has a dick. Fun games.
    — yorik_J

  6. Before Google, even before Jeeves, there was Lycos and Web crawler. I recall staring at the blinking cursor thinking "I can just search for anything!?"
    — ronrks

  7. All the 'under construction' gifs. Downloading slackware onto a shitload of floppies and installing it on a 486.
    — AlienBloodMusic

  8. My godmother lived in the USA and was trying to explain the 8 year old me what is internet when she visited. I remember her saying: "You can type any question in your computer and you will get an answer" My mind was blown. EDIT: She used an example of a question : "Why is the sky blue?" More than two decades later, I am still not sure
    — bogzaelektrotehniku

  9. The AOL dial tone
    — death2escape

  10. At a friends place, he was the first on the block with internet, obviously the first thing he showed me was a picture of some hot blonde babe topless. it loaded line by line and took around 10 minutes before we saw the first nipple, all that time hoping his mom wouldn't come home. amazing times!
    — orkushun

  11. Club Penguin. Those years were probably the peak of my life.
    — large_baguette94

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