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Reddit, what do you predict will no longer exist in ten years?

  1. Facebook. I was in a focus group with people in the age group 50+ (I’m in my 30’s so someone screwed up). We were asked what we thought about Facebook and I said it’s declining in popularity, young people aren’t as interested and it’s mostly used by the older age ranges. Everyone called me an idiot, even the focus group leader. Multiple people said ‘everyone gets their news from Facebook!’ I just looked around the room and thought my point had kind of proven itself.
    — Anneisabitch

  2. The cast of the original Star Trek series.
    — GhostTypeTrainer

  3. Big department stores. They’re already dying and there just isn’t much use in keeping them around.
    — thisisdefathrowaway1

  4. 420 culture. Once weed is legalized and becomes socially normalized, those people who wear weed leaf hats and dreadlocks are going to need something else to externalize their self image onto.
    — OneTrickHanzo

  5. Any expectation of privacy.
    — LovesMeSomeRedhead

  6. My will to converse politically.
    — squeeeeenis

  7. Laws against marijuana
    — AnnaIsABanana

  8. Landline phones. Plenty of people are starting to go mobile only, and even in my house no one uses the landline, everyone is on mobile.
    — Theseus_The_King

  9. Anonymity
    — luckybone

  10. I hope the Kardashians popularity.
    — Vlaed

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