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What do you regret doing to your body?

  1. Not taking care of my teeth :(
    — whiteboardoracle

  2. I have a MASSIVE tattoo on my left arm that just says “YOU” in huge block letters. I thought when I was 18 it’d be funny to have “a tattoo of you” on my arm. It’s too big and blocky and black to cover up and I just hate it.
    — heavyfellow

  3. Gaining a lot of weight really quickly. I've lost most of it now, but I have permanent stretch marks on my arms, thighs, stomach, and back. It fucking sucks.
    — throwaway4566494651

  4. Loud noise exposure. Now I have constant tinnitus.
    — Yossi25

  5. Filtering what seems like about ten million gallons of booze through my liver and kidneys over the past ~15 years or so
    — slothjizz

  6. I let myself get up to 602lbs....finally after not being able to walk longer than a block or being able to do simple functions I said enough is enough and joined myfitnesspal. 460 days later I have lost 252lbs and now weigh 349lbs.
    — snkeolr

  7. I have a horrible habit of picking at my skin. Its nothing major, but I do have several tiny scars from it. They will likely be permanent, but I just can't stop! I do it without thinking. When I'm bored, or not doing anything else.
    — JustThoseThings

  8. Smoking
    — Sammamach

  9. Many years of recklessly avoiding sunscreen. I'm only in my 30s but have already had on basal cell lesion removed. I hate to say it but I know there is more where that came from.
    — 3asybeat

  10. Purging starving and abusing laxatives.
    — elevenosix__

  11. Skateboarding just straight up destroy your body.
    — Mesc

  12. Getting a cube drunkenly tattooed on my neck when I was 15...
    — whipworm

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