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Which physically intimate act can you not bring yourself to do?

  1. I can't masturbate in front of my husband. I can pretend to do it. I can use toys and seem like I enjoy it, but he will never see me masturbate the way I actually do it. I don't know why, I just cant. Maybe I'm self conscious, maybe it's some weird deep rooted shame. I'm not sure.
    — Anxiousladynerd

  2. Kiss my children on the lips. The wife does it, thinks I'm weird for not.
    — garbenzoe

  3. GETTING TICKLED. Ugh, this is absolutely the worst. Even as a little kid, getting tickled was such a nightmare. No, I don’t think this is funny and playful and no, I will not be gleefully giggling. That’s the worst feeling and it both surprises me/makes me panic and need to pee myself. I also reflexively curl into a ball and throw some limbs out to protect myself. Sorry to all former partners who tried to tickle me to start some playful annoyance-into-sexytime intimacy. I did not mean to throw a ‘bow at your head.
    — internetdiscocat

  4. Contrary to what my name implies, butt stuff.
    — CaptainMcAnus

  5. Talk dirty.
    — TheLemurian

  6. I can't go down on my gf if I was wearing a condom and we were going at it. I feel bad because I know she wants me to but man... that cum/lube/rubber smell just ruins it for me. Beforehand? Sure, all day. Afterwards? I just can't....
    — mini6ulrich66

  7. You know how on t.v. (usually) you see a couple eating. One will get some sauce or ketchup on the side of their mouth and the other will playfully lick it off. What the fuck is that about?? I mean why do that?
    — MulderKnew

  8. Let someone suck my toes. Like those feet have been to god knows what places, why do you want it in your mouth?!?
    — anonymousfemaledog

  9. Use the toliet in the same room as my SO. I like my privacy damnit.
    — MajorMustard

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