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What are the "check engine" lights of real life?

  1. An unusual growth on your body
    — queuedUp

  2. Persistent pain in weird places that isn't bad enough to do anything about. Sometimes it goes away. Sometimes it's really bad
    — Pan_the_Lamb

  3. When your friends act hesitant about introducing you to their other friends.
    — Zer0Summoner

  4. Blood in the toilet. Could be minor but could also be deadly. Don’t ignore.
    — likelysmarterthanyou

  5. Negative bank account balance
    — colonel_farts

  6. HR puts you on a Performance Improvement Plan at work.
    — cpqarray

  7. When you tell your neighbor you think your girlfriend is cheating on you and he says, "Yea, I get that feeling too, man."
    — chasm_of_sarcasm

  8. ITT: Half the people who get freaked out about check-engine lights and list dire warnings. Half he people who ignore check-engine lights and list things that they don't care about.
    — SomeGuyInSanJoseCa

  9. Unable to leave a voice message because the recipient's voice mailbox is full.
    — AudibleNod

  10. Not being able to hold on to a job. Not being able to hold down a relationship (intimate and/or platonic). Persistent debt. A lot of people, from various walks of life and in all sorts of different settings and at different times in your life, telling you you are racist, sexist, homophobic or some other kind of jerk. And on that same note, if everyone else in your life is or has been a "snowflake" and everyone else is a jerk, it's time to "check your engine" and re-assess some things about who you are as a person.
    — 20_TwentyTwo

  11. Waking up hung over with no clue where you are or how you got there.
    — texa13

  12. If you start crying because you are afraid to go to work.
    — wacky008

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