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What pisses you off, but everyone does it?

  1. Being dicks at concerts
    — Klenk-ill

  2. Not flushing toilets after themselves
    — im2gr84u

  3. Also, people stopping in the middle of aisles, blocking the way for others, to have long conversations with acquaintances they run into really irks me.
    — flyerflew

  4. Move around as big inseparable groups on sidewalks.

  5. Calling someone back right after you've just missed their call, and them not answering.
    — bangyoos

  6. People who don’t return their grocery carts to either the cart return or the inside of the store. WTF makes you special enough to just leave it in the parking lot and potentially damage someone else’s vehicle?
    — cakebakerlady

  7. Expecting free stuff from artists.
    — ArtCoach

  8. Cancelling at the very last minute, or being late without letting you know. They're my two seething-rage buttons but so many people do them.

  9. Pulling ever so slightly to the right before turning left, usually blocking your ability to get by on the right. I get it, if you are pulling into a narrow driveway, but a left turn onto another street doesn't require a wide turn!
    — togglenuts

  10. Not using turn signals or speeding up to pass me and then going slower than I was.
    — flyerflew

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