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People who hates reddit redesign, where would you waste your time once they delete

  1. Stick to reddit on my phone. Not sure about the official app, but RiF has been pretty much constant and unchanged in appearance since 2013.
    — Acaedus

  2. I just spend half the time on new reddit now. It's unnecessary, the pages take forever to load and I can see all those little elements loading. I can't scroll, it's pretty shitty. I feel like I'm now entering buzzfeed.
    — Dirty_Virgin_Weaboo

  3. I have nowhere else to go, I hate almost every other social media outlet, for the same reasons why I hate the redesign. So I hope to fucking hell that RES has an option to keep it as the old design, or something similar, because otherwise I'll just be bored to death, and not have as many armature nudes in my life.
    — Emiliovaslord

  4. I would go full circle and start using []( again for maximum irony. For the younger redditors who don't know, used to be the dominant social media aggregator on the internet about 10 years ago. It underwent a major redesign which people hated, so they flocked to Reddit as they were wooed by its simplicity and folksy charm. Now Reddit is undergoing a major redesign which people hate. If they're not careful it could go the way of Digg. Reddit is not too big to fail.
    — flapface

  5. I've heard of a site called Voat that's similar to Reddit, maybe I'll check that out. *Checks out Voat* Well... I'll just quit the internet I guess
    — Ganglebot

  6. Reddit. Let be honest, reddit is a haven for millions of people, a LOT of whom are skilled programmers and coders. If Reddit thinks their idiotic redesign is going to become permanent, then some coder out there will write a Firefox extension in a week that will run the reddit API and push to you in old school glory.
    — Commander_Shepard_

  7. I don't hate it per se, but I don't really...get it. It feels like there's a lot of unnecessary white space and too little contrast between elements: the layout doesn't naturally direct attention toward the content anymore. This lack of focus is compounded by the weird modal\-like thing used to overlay a thread onto the sub view when you click on the thread title. What purpose is served by showing me a greyed\-out view of the sub behind the thread I'm trying to read? It reduces the real estate for the content I'm viewing, provides no meaningful information, and I can't interact with it unless I close the thread first. The text formatting controls are pretty much the only improvement IMO.

  8. I’ll stay on mobile.
    — byjimini

  9. Back to youtube I guess. My laptop hates the new design, it is very poorly optimised and so loads much too slowly.
    — owen_monks

  10. Quit reddit. It's bad enough I can't just type old.reddit/r/subreddit I want to go I completely hate the new design and think most people will agree You also can't see most of the side bar when using the new layout which is also shitty
    — nat5ndotcom

  11. Is old reddit getting deleted though?
    — W_I_Water

  12. I'm betting the old design will be added as a feature of RES, or someone will make a Firefox addon to change it back to how it should look.
    — Deadmeat553

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