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Who is the dumbest person you’ve ever encountered?

  1. A friend and co-worker of mine called out of work one day because she said she needed to go get her prostate checked. She was concerned because she never heard of women getting prostate cancer, and she wanted to get checked to make sure she's ok. I politely told her women don't have prostates. Then she argued with me that everyone does. I said "Yeah, everyone with a dick!" She didn't show up to work.
    — bluesky747

  2. My friend's high school girlfriend asked why people in Australia don't fall off the Earth since they're on the bottom of it. She also said that two triangles can't make a square.
    — IsolatedSystem

  3. My cousin. He didn't understand how ATMs and overdrafts worked and thought he was getting free money.
    — tanew231

  4. Nice girl but, didn't have a whole lot going on up there. These are just a few of the things I remember her saying, and she'd say them around groups of people, strangers too. She was 21 at the time: \- I am a vegetarian, but I still eat burgers, and chicken, and bacon. Ohhh I love bacon. I just don't eat animals because I feel bad for them since they can't fight back. \- Is forth of July cancelled? You know since it's cloudy and you wont be able to see the fireworks when you shoot them into the sky. \- \(to a friend of ours\) Oh you sky dive? That's cool. So do you just buy the cheapest tickets or just always buy 1 way? \(she actually thought you just head the airport hop on a commercial flight, then jump on out whenever you're ready\) \- Why isn't anyone wake boarding on this lake? ....It was the pacific ocean on a 50 mile long beach, with massive waves, sand and ocean as far as you could see in either direction. I miss this girl. Should hit her up.
    — Guy_Onthe_Internet

  5. I’ve posted this before but have it again ; I’m a bartender and a guy has recently started frequenting my bar. He’s about 40. A conversation led into conspiracy theories and this fella gives me a peek into how his mind (doesn’t) work. He’s a flat earther. To prove his point he asks for a glass of water and upon receiving it, he challenges me to “curve” the water. He also states that if the Earth was round, Australia would be flooded. Obviously. This guy also questioned me seriously if I was allowed to eat peanut butter since I’m a vegetarian. Every night that he comes into the bar , he loads the jukebox full of money and plays “If That Ain’t Country” - David Allen Coe at least four times. He also doesn’t tip. :)
    — Missat0micb0mbs

  6. In high school, we were discussing the movie Alive (about a soccer team whose plane crashed in the Andes Mountains) because it came out as we were reading Lord of the Flies, and the similarities to being stranded, self-rule/anarchy, etc. Anyway, this one girl in the class asked why, if they were so hungry they resorted to cannibalism, didn't they just call Domino's and order pizzas to be delivered.
    — blipsman

  7. This guy I know from high school named Alex. He is hilariously dumb though. Hes a nice guy and I enjoy hanging out with him but man that dude has a head of rocks. One time when me and another friend were hanging out with Alex he was telling us that if he took his gauges out and just let his saggy ear holes dangle he would be able to understand a rare and ancient african clicking language. Me and my friend started laughing but when we looked up at Alex he was dead serious.
    — vaccumshoes

  8. Definitely Kevin.
    — 7H3D3V1LH1M53LF

  9. The amount of people on their 3rd/4th pregnancy who legitimately think the baby is in the actual stomach terrifies me. I wish I could use that *one* person as an example, but this has happened multiple times.
    — mother_of_draggos

  10. In college I had to proofread a peer's paper about why Marijuana should remain illegal. His sole argument was that more people would smoke and that this would contribute to global warming.
    — thirty-seven37

  11. I knew a girl in high school who was very sweet and a disciplined student, but had no common sense whatsoever. She once asked me if the Ancient Egyptians were before or after the dinosaurs, and also said "I wonder how swimming was invented" while we were talking about the origin of different sports in history class. She also once asked "is that the city of people being raised by wolves?" when we were talking about Ancient Rome (I assume she was thinking about the myth of Romulus and Remus). Our junior year, she accidentally caused a fire in her dorm room by draping a knitted hat over a hot lamp. I mean no disrespect to her - I remember her being really nice - but I don't think I've ever met anyone else quite so oblivious.
    — DTSaranya

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