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What thing isn't as bad as people say it is?

  1. Doing laundry. Unless you’re down by the river scrubbing your clothes between two rocks, tone down the complaining, Peter.

  2. Blockbuster movies that perform poorly on Rotten Tomatoes. They are not masterpieces but they are still entertaining.
    — Reptricks

  3. Divorce. The process can be painful, but being single is infinitely better than being stuck in a horrible marriage.
    — UberToonces

  4. Being single. It's amazing how many people stay in relationships that are either not really good enough or genuinely toxic for them because they think it's better than being single. Or people who are single but always hunting for the next relationship or compulsively dating. It's not just better than being in a bad relationship, being single has unique advantages that being in a committed relationship or being driven to find one doesn't have. I find in the periods when I was single was the time I grew the most as a person, I was able to reach a lot of my goals, and there is really something to be said for being able to lead your own life for yourself. I think this idea that anyone who likes being single hasn't experienced a good relationship is hogwash. Some people don't know how to be happy and be single, but that's not the same thing. I'm married now, so obviously not against coupling up on principle, but the way people treat being single like having cancer or mental illness is just wrong in my opinion. I don't think being afraid of being alone is not a good excuse, there are lots of ways not to be lonely that don't involve jumping into a relationship with someone, but yeah it takes a bit more social sophistication. And being in a relationship is not necessarily a cure for loneliness, it can feel even lonelier being in a situation that is not good for you than being actually alone.
    — zazzlekdazzle

  5. Life in 2018. We live in a time period where as a whole across the world, poverty is the lowest, average wealth is the highest, people are the free-est, women are treated the most equally, and violence is the lowest. Note: there is still a lot of work to be done and these stats are a **global average**, but 2018 is the best time to be alive in the history of the world.
    — msett18

  6. Often when video games or movies get a lot of negative attention from consumers, it's because they over-promised and couldn't deliver. The product itself is usually mediocre, if not average.

  7. Broccoli
    — Sorcerer-Supreme1210

  8. Root canal.
    — CommanderVillain

  9. Gluten, unless you have Celiac Disease.
    — traphag

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