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What movie freaks you out on an existential level?

  1. Fire in the Sky To be abducted by aliens then operated on is unsettling to think about.
    — delirium_3

  2. My parents' home movies of me as a kid. Man, was I ever that young? Who is that kid, really? Is that really me? What happened to that world in that movie? How could it be gone? How could my parents be dead?
    — Bjarki56

  3. Jacobs Ladder That movie is a mindfuck and a half.
    — Lt_Col_Anguss

  4. Shutter Island. The idea that you can be lost in your own madness and not know it is horrifying. edit: Thanks for the messages by the way!

  5. Anihhilation was pretty fucked up. Aside from all the visually disturbing things it's scary that we really have no idea what's out there. We think of aliens as being humanoid like creatures that are superintelligent but in this case it was a seemingly purposeless alien "cancer" that fucked up earth life beyond our control.
    — Highanddidmath

  6. The Room. It’s horrifying to know how one person’s life can go to shit so fast.
    — BinomialMicrogramma

  7. The Road. The collapse of society and the dark side of Man doing whatever it takes to survive is terrifying to me.
    — UncleLeeroy0

  8. Final Destination. Just the idea that not only is your death predetermined, but if you somehow avoid it, your new death will be 500% more horrifying/painful.
    — IzarkKiaTarj

  9. Melancholia. What if the world were actually ending and there was nothing you could do about it and there was nowhere to escape to?
    — Bob_Gila

  10. Its Such a Beautiful Day. Who knew that a film about a stick figure in a hat could be so existential.
    — haftaf

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