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What's something worth paying the extra money for?

  1. House Paint Cheap paint doesn't cover as well so you end up using way more coats and go through a lot more of it (in the end actually costing you money as well as a lot of time). A higher end paint will cover in less coats and also be easier to keep clean without ruining it. Another thing is to spend the extra money on a primer especially if you are making any kind of dramatic change in colour. If possible get the primer tinted just slightly to the final colour you are going to use with your paint.
    — Redf6

  2. Anti reflection on glasses. Seriously, you're looking through your glasses all day every day. Why not see past the lenses instead of having to look at them?
    — oopsmyeye

  3. Brand name tires. Difference between $300 a set and $400 a set might get you some 60,000 mile uniroyals versus a cheap no name tire that will only get 25,000 miles even with proper rotation. (Brand name tires will get closer to their mileage life rating than cheap ones will)
    — BusterBarryV

  4. Most consumable car parts. Brakes, clutches, non-fuel fluids, tires, shocks/struts... You don't have to buy the most expensive stuff (in fact, expensive (race) brake pads have to be at a temperature you will (should) never achieve on the street) but if the average price of a set of tires for your car is $500, don't buy the $100 set. The cheap set may last for 10,000 miles, but the good stuff can last for 60,000. In the meantime, the cheap tires will be noisy, uncomfortable, have poor stopping distance, affect your fuel economy, and be downright scary in the rain.
    — RallyX26

  5. Steel toe boots. You’re better off spending $150-$250 on a good pair of steel toed (Dakota,Timberland,etc..) boots, as opposed to spending it on a pair that won’t last long.
    — TheKid_BigE

  6. I’ve always said it is worth getting higher quality electronics (TV’s, lights, chargers, headphones (don’t get the $5 kind) because for many of these, quality means longevity and better customer service if crap does happen. Except cereal. Off brand cereal can be amazing. EDIT: I don’t know how to spell Higher. Also, I came back and am happy to see cereal as a hot topic
    — BigAmen

  7. Winter clothing
    — XxproxXXD

  8. Luxury mattress, sheets and pillow. You spend 1/3 of your life sleeping so make sure you sleep well. Your back will thank you later.
    — Olivyia

  9. Τattoos. You get what you pay for. That ѕhit is on you for life unless you ɡet it covered or lasered.
    — bayovibez

  10. Toilet paper
    — Mr_frumpish

  11. A PC power supply, all the way
    — Sqinctersayswhat

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