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Redditors who have worked on a movie/TV show set, who was the worst behaved celebrity or biggest jerk you ever witnessed or worked with on set?

  1. I worked with a guy who worked with Nick Cage on Ghost Rider. Nick was a dick, and had any extras taller than him fired.
    — Underbelly

  2. So my personal stories are about C list reality talent, and not really that big of a deal. My best friend of 25 years produced a movie with Jenna Fischer starring. Not mean, not a screamer, timely on set, but paranoid, and has no concept of money. 1\) They were shooting on location, and thus set up in somebody's real home, not a stage rental or a set. Jenna insisted that they install locks on her room \*that she would have the only key to\*. She lost the key to the room on week 1. 2\) She claimed somebody had stolen her per diem from the weekend \(about 200 bucks\). My friend \(the producer\) told her he'd get to the bottom of it. He immediately calls in Jenna's assistant. Asks her what they did Friday after wrap. They went and met Jenna's friends at the airport. Jenna paid cash for cab. They went to Starbucks. Jenna paid. Went to some event on Sunday...Jenna paid. So somebody worth millions from a sitcom doesn't notice spending 200$ over 3 days, and claims there's a thief on set. Same movie, different story; Chris O'Donnell was told he could have anything he wanted brought to his room, but please don't drink the owners beers \(staying in real rented home\) . Every day he said he didn't need anything. Every day a PA was sent out to replace the homeowners' beers...which Chris drank the night before. Note, he is apparently a sweetheart in all other ways.
    — QuicktapMcgoo

  3. I heard the story from another actor, but apparently there was a small movie, the writers and directors had spent years getting their movie started and it was their first film. They had gotten Linda Fiorentino and another big name actor. Linda Fiorentino for some reason went in her trailer and refused to come out. She kept saying she would soon so they waited, but she wouldn't show up on set and work. This went on for a few days. Each day they thought she was going to work soon but she wouldn't come out. Eventually, they spent so much money paying everyone to show up and wait and on equipment rentals, that they didn't have enough money to finish the movie and it was cancelled. Those writers and directors spent years trying to get their movie made, and it was cancelled because Linda Fiorentino refused to do her job. She went on to go star in other big movies, and these people lost what might have been their only chance.
    — darth_hotdog

  4. My best friends first job working on a set was the live action “The Last Airbender”. He’s told me so many stories on how awful of a person M . Night Shyamalan was. Said he would flip out on the children actors for slight missteps and overall was a huge drama queen. My friend said after working on the movie for a month he was tempted to quit but stuck it out. He also said he knew the movie was gonna suck after only a few days of filming.
    — Notoriousjx

  5. Not myself but a friend in the Canadian movie industry says Steven Segal is a nightmare
    — some1elsetoday

  6. I don't have any names to drop for jerks, but I'll just say this **everyone smokes.** Yes, literally everyone. Even that drop dead gorgeous young girl or the guy with perfect teeth. It's just an industry where smoking is still very much the norm. I can promise you that a good chunk of people on your favorite show smoke (or vape), and it's often the ones you wouldn't expect it from. It doesn't matter if you're watching a high school type show or one with a-listers, my lord actors love to smoke.
    — stupidpinay1234

  7. I have worked with a lot of Youtube talent. Shocker: the worst was Logan Paul. I didn’t know who he was at the time and thought he was playing the character of a dumb asshole bro, only to realize that is actually just who he is. My favorites were Liza Koshy and Caelike (from Mexico). Both very talented and very sweet.
    — nantaise

  8. I know a lady who was a makeup artist on a film set with Brad Pitt. He wasn't a jerk but he *did* refuse to shower and the makeup crew said he smelled terrible. It got to the point that they went on strike \(pretty much\) and said they wouldn't do his makeup for the movie until he showered.
    — iwantthedee

  9. I was knocked off my feet by Oliver Reed, for a fairly innocent remark, as a crew member.
    — Northviewguy

  10. I've been an extra a few times on small productions, situations where a friend of a friend tells you "hey, come to this warehouse and be an extra for four hours and we'll give you fifty bucks." But there's always a few "professional" extras, where being a background actor is all they really do for money. Those people can be weird and stuck up, like they're kings among extras. They're friendly, but in a smug and condescending way. On every set I've ever been on one of these people has made the same joke: \[diva voice\] "Ugh, I'll be in my trailer!"
    — LordPizzaParty

  11. Worked on well known tv show. Had to transcribe the recordings word for word for the editing teams to put the best clips together to be aired. Will.i.Am was on the show- he was nice enough but a terrible talent. Would talk non-stop jibberish in his interviews about random, senseless horse shit which we still had to type out word for word, knowing it would never go to air. No producer had the balls to cut him or prompt him to tighten his responses (I mostly blame them). His interviews would go on for hours. Other celebrity recordings would be like 10 minutes of snappy one liners. Also Transcribed Mel B from Spice Girls for a different show. Non-stop swearing. Told producer to fuck off. Most of her recordings we couldn’t use.
    — KillTheSelfie

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