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What is the WORST party you have ever been to?

  1. My 10 year reunion. Class of about 160, and 11 showed up. I ducked out after an hour because there was only one other person there I wanted to talk to, and we showed up together.
    — pmme_your_ladybits

  2. For her birthday, a friend of mine hired out the downstairs room of a bar we liked and invited all her friends - and random acquaintances. We arrived early to decorate it - put up balloons, streamers etc. and waited for people to arrive. And waited. And waited. Eventually a member of bar staff came down and said that they would have to open up the area to the public if no one else showed up. No one did. She ended up sharing her hired space with random strangers and having a "party" by herself. It was mortifying.
    — shinyhappycat

  3. New year eve parties at famous outdoor locations. Been to a few and learned to take a hip flask. Really long queues for over priced beer.
    — prettystupidstudent

  4. Went to a small house party where 5 girls got slipped a date rape drug. Drug dealer was making rounds through the room and giving pills to all the girls saying it was ecstasy. He got beat up and tossed out. The whole night was messed up.
    — amberger7712

  5. In my senior year of high school my best friend wanted to throw a "lingerie party" but obviously none of us were going to be able to pull it off since we lived with our parents. So a friend of a friend that lived in an apartment offered to let him have his party there and he invited a ton of people. Cut to the day of and the apartment is super run down and the people that live there are mega sketchy (shocker, I know). Only one girl and my friend (the one who had the idea for the party) wore revealing clothing, the rest of us were just uncomfortable high school kids sitting around in this stranger's apartment. I remember three distinct things about this party: 1.) the guy who lived at the apartment's girlfriend was hanging out with hair dye applied to her head so the cramped, damp apartment smelt STRONGLY of chemicals 2.) their friend was topless the entire time (very casually and still wearing jeans/shoes- just sans bra and shirt) and 3.) There was a mattress on the floor next to the kitchen and when my boyfriend and I sat near it some guy came over and asked for me to get out of his "room." So yeah, that was probably the worst party I've ever been to.
    — TroyMcCluresAnecdote

  6. A NYE party in a friend's empty basement apartment. His mom owned the whole house but rented out the basement, so the party was held in the empty apartment. No tables, chairs, or couches aside from a rusty step ladder and one old dining room chair that was LITERALLY on its last leg. Couldn't even lean on the walls because they had been freshly painted, so everyone sat on the floor. No cups for drinks (was told there would be some supplied) no towels, toilet paper, or soap in the bathroom, we had to pretty much beg the host to go get a roll from upstairs. Host told us not to worry, lots of room to sleep, and don't worry about blankets. My friend and I came prepared with our own and thank god because there were none in sight. 15+ people sleeping on the cold basement floor in the dead of winter. One poor soul even had to use a piece of Styrofoam as a pillow and his own winter coat as a blanket. So unprepared, so uncomfortable. It wouldn't have been so bad if we KNEW it was going to be like this, but host lied about pretty much everything.
    — formerlygolden

  7. Christmas Office Party. Was supposed to be a nice sit-down multi-course meal at the local "good restaurant." Small private room. Small staff, with spouses. Owner started the evening with a dirty joke. Second-in-command countered with another dirty joke. This was before the wine and antipasto arrived. No one else was able to get a word in. Literally no conversation. Just boss dirty joke, followed by other guy's dirty joke. For four hours. I didn't know so many dirty jokes existed. Props to their amazing memories, I guess. Ever had your face cramp from a frozen, polite grin? The entire room, except the joke-tellers, looked like that. Excruciating. I've never been so happy to leave a party.
    — ZippyQueSera

  8. Walked in on my girlfriend giving another guy head. It's the worst feeling iv'e ever experienced.
    — leelam3

  9. I forayed into the orgy life a few years ago after getting out of jail. Well. One night we were all meeting up and the theme was 1940's. I showed up in my 1940's clothing and was greeted at the door by an older woman. I came in, as this is pretty normal. To my horror, all that I could see everywhere was elderly men and woman kissing nude / fucking in tight leather and lingerie. A few of them eating from the assortment of food that was provided. So I'm stood there in my 1940's style suit and dress shoes in my early 30's and a bunch of old people were fucking all around me. The Orgy was for people born in the 1940's. I went home disappointed and confused. TL:DR: Old person orgy really baited me with the details. Edit: Other story - Edit: 3rd story -
    — TIFU_Badly_

  10. For my 10th birthday my parents rented the pool at our local community center for the afternoon. It was supposed to be a Pizza Pool party and I had invited all my friends and classmates from school. Not a single person showed up outside a couple of cousins showed up including my, at the time, best friend. I've long since gotten over it but I haven't and won't do another birthday party for myself anymore. Bonus Story: My uncle used to throw 4th of July parties for his friends and the family. The last party he threw, he set off a rocket and it viered to the left, hit the garage roof and set that roof on fire. He hasn't had a party since.
    — CrotchWolf

  11. My 18. birthday. I got my mom to make heaps and heaps of gyros, I bought lotsa alcohol. We took the big room in our house and put a large table there and even a small cove of comfy chairs for people to recline if they wanted to. 3 people showed up. We talked a lot, but the room remained mostly dark and empty. After an hour or so, i fell asleep in the comfy chair, i was so tired. I woke up later, the three guys had left. They left me a note saying it's ok. But to this day, it does not feel ok.
    — durfenstein

  12. Mother of my friend's fiance threw them a combined birthday party. Held in December and their birthdays were in August. She sent invites in the mail that were leftover invitation cards with original dates and names crossed out, but it mentioned no alcohol \(we are all 29\). All red flags. So I decide not to go via not responding. The mom got my number and calls me. I tell her I'm not sure, work is busy etc. etc.. Proceeds to keep calling me so I ignore the calls. I finally pick up and she asks where I was. I say the movies. "Which movie?" ".............Despicable Me 2." \(Never saw it\) "Isn't that for children?" "..............I took my nephew." \(FYI I had no nephew\) "Did you like it?" "...........Not as good as the first Despicable Me." Why was I being grilled? Leave me alone, lady. But yeah, I ended up going. Fun fact I discovered: her parents were hoarders, so junk everywhere. They had this stale, old cake they clearly just kept stored away for the attendees. Let's not forget old bags of Halloween candy that were all stuck together! Someone brought a bottle of wine, but the mom took it and literally threw it away. Made everyone sit on folding chairs in a circle in the living room. No music or anything. Two friends arrived, saw the scene, and immediately fled. It was a very strange scenario. My friend was mortified and it actually contributed to the end of my friend's engagement. We can't joke about the party because it angers him so much.
    — StoolToad9

  13. went to a "party" once it was 12 dudes playing magic the gathering and one passed out drunk chick also, I always feel weird when I walk into a party and I'm the only black guy there. Every time everyone stops what they're doing and stares at me for 2-3 horrible seconds. I will walk through the back door to avoid this...but wait...fuck I just segregated myself
    — ConnieAuthement

  14. A friend gave me the invitation to a BBQ being run by a guy he knew. We got there and then my friend left me with a huge keg, saying he'd be back later and to watch the thing. Okay then. Then no one else turned up. A few people had apparently dropped food of to be cooked, thinking they would, but it was me, a dude I don't know, and the dudes teenage daughter, sat in the dark whilst he grumbled about the grill and peoples weightwatcher sausages getting charcoaled. I lasted about an hour out of honour, trying to look after the keg, but my friend didn't come back and wasn't contactable in any way, and I just thought 'bugger this then', left it there and went home.
    — cannedtunainbrine

  15. my 21st i remember being in a small apartment with my mom and elderly grandparents that had brought me a shirt that had 'warning im an adult now'' printed on it so so very depressing
    — perfect_comment

  16. My own. Parents were away in Scotland, decided to have a wee "gathering", ended up having half of my school year and some randoms show up. Two digital cameras got stolen, my bro's PSP got stolen, expensive alcohol was drank, vases smashed.. you name it. My friend also lost her virginity in my upstairs bathroom (we were like, 17). It was a hot mess & I was distraught. Instead of dealing w it, I just got blind drunk and passed out. The next day we did an amazing clean up operation and you would've never known, and neither would've my parents (until they clocked the missing items). That was until my Uncle grassed on me after I fessed up to my Granny that I fxcked up. Apparently my Ma was in the middle of the Scottish highlands, on a boat, screaming curse words into the wind. Never. Again.
    — joniferr18

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