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Non-French redditors, what's something you want clarifying from our culture, language?

  1. What stereotypes does France have about its own people, that differ from international stereotypes of them?
    — Leharen

  2. When I was in Paris, I noticed that people were always out at bars/cafes/restaurants until very late at night, sometimes 1 or 2 am, even on weekdays. I usually need to be in bed by 10-11 to wake up at 7 for work. How are you guys not tired af the next morning if you're out until 1 am on a Tuesday?
    — Spheros

  3. Fuck I'm french and even I need clarifying at this point
    — Parsemblue

  4. Do French people hate Parisians as much as everyone else?
    — 273degreesKelvin

  5. What's up with your spelling customs? Some of your words are almost German in length but it sounds like you barely pronounce them. Nobody needs 14 letters for two syllables. Similarly, what's the running cost on ink cartridges over your way?
    — slapdashradishlass

  6. Yo, I was in France and I touched some bananas at a gas station. Some French lady came and bitched me out. I don't know what she said but it didn't sound like "Hi hope you have a wonderful day".
    — _Squirrel_Fucker

  7. Which is THE french band/musical artist, the one that everybody knows and is very loved.
    — -sir-psycho-sexy-

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