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Board game players of Reddit: What's the funniest rule someone made up while playing?

  1. Back when Trivial Pursuit was hot, there was one guy who had to meet special conditions to win. He had to get all the categories like anyone else, but then, instead of answering one final question from the card, he had to answer all the questions on the card. Then he had to go through all the categories again, and then answer another complete card. He still won more than half the time.
    — muddyGolem

  2. Anytime someone rolls a 5 everyone has to say “WutWut!” I don’t know how it started. But it is every single time now.
    — arcant12

  3. We have made a rule in all board games that you have to play in your own best interest. That is, you have to play to win, not to fuck over others. This came into being after a friend of ours created a loan shark service in our Monopoly game in which other players could subscribe to guarantee that they atleast get second place after the loan shark wins. Geez.
    — MBPyro

  4. Playing Life with my older brother when we were young. You could sell your children, but only if you were a doctor or a police officer. Maybe not funniest, but maybe most, "What the hell dude?"
    — Def_Not_Rabid

  5. "I win." "What are you cards?" "I got a 6, a 5, a Jack, a 4 and an 8. I win!" "What do you mean 'you win'? I had a hand just like that before. I didn't win." "Because I win."
    — Sirhc0001

  6. If you start with everyone, you finish with everyone. No bailing because you have to go to work, a date, etc. Plan ahead to have a proper window of time for the game we're playing. If you have to leave, you are not allowed to play next time. You just get to watch.
    — donutshopsss

  7. In the game Bargain Quest. You run a shop that sells items to DnD style adventurers who then go and fight monsters. All the adventures have abilities. When the bard is selected, they take 5 coins from every player to spend in the shop of the player who grabbed them. This led to making everyone say "Fuck the bard" whenever the bard comes into play from the adventurer deck. We then say "Fuck the bard" whenever the bard dies. This also promotes us trying to kill off the bard to keep from losing 5 gold each round.
    — lokigodofchaos

  8. In our DnD group you fumble = you pay 50 cents. That way we can buy new books yaaaaay :-)
    — franichan

  9. If Ring of Fire counts, you have to shout dinosaur every time a dinosaur appears on screen on the TV in the background. Last person to do so drinks... We played with Jurassic World on in the background.
    — shippinglaw

  10. Before Cards Against Humanity, I took a normal Apples to Apples card and wrote "My Dick" on it. Needless to say, I won every round in which it was drawn.
    — Bb_bodegon

  11. my little brother decided in Monopoly that it was fair to "rob the bank" if you get away with it. he was acting as the banker.
    — uxmatthew