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What’s something you irrationally believed as a kid?

  1. I thought a grocery store cashier was the best job in the world because of all the money they got paid by the customers.
    — Sweet_Weapon

  2. That pictures slowly lost their colour and turned black and white as they got old. Hence, old pictures are black and white.
    — harit_panda

  3. That all movies and TV shows were shot live. If there was ever a rerun of a movie/episode, it meant the actors had to come back and shoot it all over again.
    — multiplesarcasms31

  4. My Dad convinced me he could run at the speed of light. When i would ask him to prove it and 'run to that tree over there and back' for example he would just say "There. Done it." There was no way for me to disprove him.
    — spoonybum

  5. That teachers were nothing more than teachers who lived in the school. The idea of them being normal human beings who lived normal lives just never came across to me. Until i ran into one in the shopping centre and almost shit myself in just pure awe of what i was seeing.
    — tesum123

  6. That the moon followed our car everywhere we drove.
    — Mutedfisherman

  7. I thought all adults liked each other and it was only kids that didn't always get along. I grew up in the kind of environment where adults put a nice front up with each other around children. I was shocked to discover they didn't actually all like each other.
    — laptop20

  8. Ooooh I have a weird one. I used to believe that my food was sentient, and that by chewing and eating it, I was killing my food. So from about 5-6 years old, I would silently lie to each spoonful of food that went into my mouth, telling the food that I was chewing that they will be in a better place, knowing that after brutally crushing them with my teeth, they would fall to my stomach and slowly melt in acid. It was a rough year.
    — OGganjasmokey

  9. I used to think everybody would kill at least one person in their lifetime. Not like a requirement, but statistically. Movies and TV shows had people getting murdered all the time, sometimes on purpose and sometimes not. I figured it was just a matter of time until I would have to kill somebody. Eventually, I realized that wasn't the case (phew). Also, I believed I was going to get the stigmata. My initials are JC and my mom's name is Mary--if anybody was going to get the stigmata, it was going to be me. Turns out that wasn't the case either (double phew).
    — captainfatastic

  10. Iceland was my "favorite" country. Kid me thought Iceland was an island made of ice; full of ice = no school Until one day I learned that Iceland is not solely ice and there is school. I did not like Iceland anymore.
    — matattmon

  11. Hiding under the blankets made me invulnerable to monster attacks
    — the_frikin_pope

  12. Before I learned about the cardinal directions I thought the president of the US decided which way was north by the way he was facing.
    — Kevodemo

  13. I grew up in the central valley area of California. We didn't really see very many black people, if at all. When I was in Kindergarten I was terrified on my first day, because there was a black girl and we had to hold hands while we walked. I cried because I thought she had a skin condition and I would catch it. Man, that sucked and I feel bad now.
    — mrrockabilly